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Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry and has been used over the years for its multiple health and beauty benefits. This fruit can be used in the form of powder, as is or even made into oil. This fruit has a sour taste and is frequently added into...
Amla Juice to boost immunity, brighten skin, stop hair fall and more
Amla or Indian Gooseberry is loaded with vitamin C. It is known for its several health benefits and that is why, incorporating this fruit in your regular diet is effective in boosting your immunity and giving you your daily dose of antioxidants. While eating this fruit raw or boiled...
DARKEN HAIR AND STOP HAIR FALL with these 2 magical ingredients
Amla ( indian gooseberry) and Hibiscus are 2 magical ingredients for healthy hair. Amla, also known as the Indian Gooseberry, strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair thinning while hibiscus has extraordinary healing properties which serve as a perfect remedy to stop hair-fall. Together they work miraculously in keeping your...
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