Eat The Right Food For Healthy Clear Skin

Healthy Clear Skin

Are you on a hunt to find the best foods to get that perfect glowing skin, free from acne, blemishes and premature ageing? Well, look no further as you’re on the right page! Here are the best foods for healthy, clear and glowing skin:



Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for maintaining healthy skin. The deficiency of fatty acids can affect the skin and its appearance. Including sources of essential fatty acids can help prevent skin conditions like dermatitis and can also reduce the effects of ageing on the skin.

BUY – Rs. 299 for 250 gms

CHIA SEEDS VS. FLAX SEEDS - benefits and ways to use

Adding chia seeds to your water can help promote better skin health, as chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can keep acne at bay, reduce acne scars and keep the skin healthy and radiant. It also has omega-3 fatty acids that can fight skin ageing.

Tip: Add in a tsp of chia seeds to half a litre of water and sip on it when you are thirsty. If you find that the chia seeds have bloated too much, you can add in more water.

BUY – Rs. 299 for 250 gms


Avocados have healthy fats and are rich in vitamin E and vitamin C which are beneficial to the skin. Avocados have antioxidation properties which can speed up the repair process of skin conditions and help treat acne. It can help prevent skin damage like wrinkles, ageing and skin cancer. It can help people with dry skin and prevent sunburns.



Turmeric can help reduce skin allergies as it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which work effectively in reducing the microbes and inhibit fungal activity in the body. The compound curcumin acts as an anti-allergen and prevents allergic reactions. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can calm the skin, reduce scarring and prevent further breakouts and clear the already existing scars.

BUY – Rs. 299 for 125 gms

Dark chocolate:

When you hear the word “chocolate”, what do you think of? Dessert? Cake? Weight gain? Well, when it comes to consuming dark chocolate in particular, the health benefits are more (when consumed in moderation, of course). Talking about the skin, it can help reduce dark spots and hyperpigmentation. It can help improve collagen (an essential protein found in the skin) production, boost blood circulation in the skin and prevent skin from drying as it can seal moisture in the skin. It can also help reduce signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines.


Green tea or matcha tea:

Green tea or matcha tea contains a type of plant-based compound called catechin, formally known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which acts as a natural antioxidant. Green tea contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can be very beneficial to skin health and for people with acne. It can also help treat skin infections, skin redness, minor cuts, sunburns etc. It also contains methylxanthines which is a type of drug that can help stimulate microcirculation in the skin and help it look healthier and more radiant and gives your skin a glow-up by supporting a healthy complexion

BUY – Rs. 499 for 50 gms


Walnuts are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid) and have anti-inflammatory properties that can boost skin health and help combat the signs of ageing, like fine lines and wrinkles, as they are rich sources of vitamin B and also have antioxidants. It can also help keep your skin moisturized and hydrated because it is packed with nutrients.

Almonds are rich in antioxidants and can help protect the skin from damage. It will help retain water in the skin and reduce dryness and can give it a natural glow. It is rich in vitamin E and can thereby prevent the skin from premature ageing and protect it from damage due to exposure. It can also help in the reduction of stretch marks and scars.



Amla is rich in vitamin C that is highly beneficial to the skin and skin health. It can help improve collagen production, reduce signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines and protect the skin from damage as it is rich in antioxidants. Have fresh amla juice every day or use amla powder in your smoothies.

BUY – Rs. 349 for 250 gms