What is really amazing about nature is the fact that it can provide for us for our every need! Yes, this time around it is pain relief, in the form of natural painkillers.
Many of us apply pain relief balms, sprays and gels or rush to buy a painkiller medication which can easily be got over-the-counter at a chemist.

Well, why not simply lookout for the easiest and most effective natura options out there since there are so many.
Check out the five best natural pain killers below!
Five Amazing Natural Pain Killers
1. Turmeric
Used for: Pain relief and anti-inflammation. Soothe cough, cold, sore throat, upset stomach and sinus infection.
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which can help treat wounds. It also has a compound called curcumin, which helps to reduce pain and provides an analgesic effect. It can also be used to treat open wounds. Those who suffer from arthritis can also use turmeric, as it helps treat inflammation.
To use: Consume turmeric in the form of turmeric tea or by adding it into warm milk. READ MORE – 6 best healing TURMERIC DRINKS for clear skin, weight loss, boost immunity and more..
2. Peppermint
Used for: Topical pain relief for pain or sore muscles
Peppermint is known to have anti-inflammatory properties which helps relieve pain to a great extent. Peppermint essential oil diluted with any carrier oil can be used as a topical treatment to relieve pain in the affected area.
To use: Have peppermint tea every day. Add 3 to 4 drops of peppermint essential oil into 30 ml of any carrier oil and mix well before application on the affected area.
- Do not use this natural method for pain relief on open wounds or burns.
- Patch testing is recommended.
3. Apple cider vinegar
Used for: heart burn/ leg cramps
The beneficial bacteria in ACV are thought to create a better balance of good and bad bacteria in your stomach, making your stomach feel better and reducing heartburn symptoms.
To use – just dilute a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a warm mug of water. You can drink it before or after a meal. Make sure to brush your teeth after, as it can erode your tooth enamel.
You can also apply apple cider vinegar and massage it on your legs to stop leg cramps.
4. Rosemary
Used for: Topical pain relief, anti-inflammation and muscle relaxation
Diluting rosemary essential oil with any carrier oil and applying it over the area of pain is known to relieve pain to a considerable extent. Rosemary is known to reduce inflammation and swelling and also relaxes the muscles. Rosemary is known to reduce pain because it acts upon the opioid brain receptors that are responsible for the sensation of pain.
To use: Add 3 to 4 drops of rosemary essential oil into 30 ml of any carrier oil and mix well before application on the affected area.
Caution: Patch testing is recommended.
5. Cloves
Used for: Pain relief from headaches, toothaches and muscle/arthritic pain
Using cloves to relieve pain can work wonders as a natural pain killer. Cloves contain a compound called eugenol that help provide natural pain relief.
To use: Apply clove oil on the affected area to provide relief from the pain. Make a natural mouthwash – boil 1 cup of water with 1 tsp of turmeric and 15 cloves for 10 mins. Strain and use this water as a mouthwash. In case of a toothache, you can chew on one or two cloves until the tooth pain subsides.
5. Ginger
Used for: Muscle/arthritic pain, anti-inflammation and swelling reduction, to soothe burns, treat headaches and migraine.
Ginger juice will not get rid of the muscle pain immediately, but can ease sore muscle pain over time. It has anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce swelling in the body and treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis and provide relief from the pain.
To treat headaches and migraine: Make ginger tea. Add sliced or chopped ginger to 4 cups of boiling water. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Steeping longer will give it a stronger flavor. Remove from heat and flavor with lemon juice, honey, or sugar. It can be consumed either hot or cold.
To use for anti-inflammation and pain relief: Use a ginger compress over the affected area for the best pain relief from muscle pain and arthritic pain.
Ginger compress for pain relief:
- 1 medium sized ginger piece
- 2 tbsp cinnamon powder
Grate the ginger using a food grater and you can leave the skin on as it is not going to be consumed. Now in a large bowl, add in this ginger with the cinnamon powder. Then to this, add in about two cups of boiling hot water and let this mixture sit for 10 to 15 minutes or until it is warm. Then dip a small towel into this liquid mixture, wring it out so some of the liquid comes off and then wrap it over the affected/sore area, until the cloth gets cool and then dip it back into the warm liquid mixture again. Do this process two to three times. You can warm up the liquid over the stove or in the microwave, if it has cooled down too much. This process has to be done two or three times in a day to get the best results of pain relief.
Please Note: If your pain is very severe, then do this process only on alternate days while on subsequent days, you can do a cold ice pack compress. Start off with the cold compress on day one and ginger compress on day two and so on, alternatively.
6. Salt
If you’re looking for a salt to help with leg pain, Epsom salt is the most commonly recommended choice, as it can help soothe sore muscles and reduce inflammation when added to a warm bath; the magnesium in Epsom salt is key to its pain-relieving properties.
How to use: Add a cup or two of Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak for 15-20 minutes.
7. Cacao
Used for: period cramps and PMS
Raw cacao powder is rich in magnesium and have been shown to ease period cramps and happens to be a natural pain reliever. Indulging in some dark chocolate (but in moderation, of course), can help act as a natural pain reliever as it a powerful source of magnesium, which can soothe the cramped up muscles and muscle spasms.
To use – Just add raw cacao powder or cacao nibs to your morning smoothie for a natural PMS relief.
8. Pineapple
Used for: constipation, sore throat, cough, gas, and bloating.
The enzymes in pineapple juice help break down protein in your gut, which can help reduce constipation, gas, and bloating.
To use – Snack on some pineapple slices or blend it into a juice with turmeric and pinch of black pepper and drink it to soothe cough and sore throat.
9. Castor oil
Used for: joint pain, back pain, period cramps
Click below to know more on how to use castor oil –