Make a natural conditioner to use after shampoo that will repair and strengthen weak, damaged & brittle hair and promote hair growth by effectively repairing your damaged hair shaft. Rice …
Castor oil helps strengthen the hair and is known to work as a hair growth booster. The alkaline pH of the black castor oil variant makes it ideal for rejuvenating the …
Commercial shampoos contain ingredients like SLS and parabens that damage the hair and may also cause hair fall. Infused with natural hair care ingredients this homemade natural shampoo cleanses and …
Make these amazing natural hair sprays to use as a hair treatment to reduce hair fall and boost hair growth. These natural hair sprays are made using ingredients that have …
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most essential vitamins when it comes to promoting skin health. It helps even out skin tone, brightens the complexion, heals wounds, …
With the goodness of healthy hair ingredients that help to reduce hair damage and improve scalp health. This mask makes your silky smooth, shiny, and healthy to strengthen hair and …