What happens when you consume too much sugar?

Your body converts blood sugar into energy with the hormone called insulin, which is made in your pancreas. Consumption of too much sugar means that your pancreas has to produce more insulin. Over time your pancreas can break down and your
blood sugar levels will rise, which can result in type 2 diabetes
Sugars are processed quickly by your body and cause Your blood sugar to spike. When your blood sugar crashes, so does your energy.
If your blood sugar levels get too high, sugar can be a problem for your kidneys. When high blood sugar goes uncontrolled, it can damage the kidney’s blood vessels
and destroy the kidney’s filter, harming its ability to clean your blood properly.
Too much sugar has also been linked to an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Sugar has been shown to worsen joint pain due to the inflammation it causes in the body.
Sugar creates a surge of the “feel-good” brain chemical called dopamine. When you regularly eat or drink sugary foods, your brain becomes addicted to that feeling and it tends to make you crave sugar even more.
Excess sugar in your body is converted to fat including cholesterol and triglycerides. The buildup fat can restrict or clog your arteries, causing high blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke.
Sugar can cause an increased appetite because doesn’t contain fiber or protein to give you a feel of fullness.
Increased levels of sugar in your body can cause weakening of collagen and elastin, proteins that give structural support to help keep your skin smooth. Over time the results can be
wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Sugar feeds bacteria in your mouth, creating an acid environment. This acid eats away at the protect enamel of your teeth and can result in cavities.
Consuming too much fructose, a type of sugar, can cause the liver to turn excess fructose into fat. Some of that fat stays in your liver and can build up over time, leading to liver disease.
Sugar and sugary foods have calories, but limit body-benefiting nutrients. If you don’t burn off calories, your body will convert the excess sugar fat and will cause you to gain weight.