In the present day, there are different forms of milk available in the market from rice milk, to almond milk, to soy milk, to coconut milk, with multiple health benefits with each type.

So, here’s another type of milk for all you milk lovers out there to try out – peanut milk! For those who are looking for a lactose-free alternative peanut milk should be your next try.


Peanuts, often known as groundnuts or monkey nuts are nuts from the legume family and are loaded with various health benefits.

Here are the benefits of peanut milk:

Can help lower cholesterol levels:

Peanuts contain healthy fats that can help lower the levels of bad cholesterol and improve good cholesterol levels in the body, in turn protecting heart health.

Can help lower blood pressure levels:

Peanuts contain magnesium and potassium which are essential minerals that can help keep one’s blood pressure in check.

Rich in protein:

Peanuts are rich in fibre and protein and can make you feel full for longer time upon consumption. Peanuts are often associated with weight loss, because peanuts consumed in moderate quantities can help promote weight loss. This is possible because the high protein content in peanuts will keep the stomach fuller for longer time and in turn reduce the number of calories you take in by reducing the quantities of eating other food items.

Can help strengthen the bones:

Peanuts are rich in minerals like manganese and phosphorous and thereby consuming peanut milk can help strengthen the bones and maintain better bone health as we age.

Suitable for diabetics:

Peanut milk is considered a healthy option for diabetics as it can not only reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes but also help the body regulate insulin (the hormone that lowers the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood), as peanuts are rich in unsaturated fats and nutrients. Peanuts also have low glycemic index which means that drinking peanut milk will not cause any large spike in blood sugar levels.

Can reduce the risk of developing diseases:

Peanuts are rich in antioxidants and contain high concentrations of polyphenolic antioxidants, isoflavones, phytic acid etc. These antioxidants help reduce the risk of developing cancer and other diseases.

Rich in vitamins and minerals:

Peanuts are rich in biotin, folate, potassium, manganese, vitamin E, thiamine, phosphorous, manganese etc. these vitamins and minerals can help promote better overall health.

Can promote better heart health:

Peanuts contain unsaturated fats and can help lower cholesterol levels. Consuming peanut milk can thereby also help reduce blood clots from forming within the body in turn preventing and reducing the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

Can promote brain health:

Peanuts are rich in nutrients and can help increase cognitive functioning and promote better brain health by making the brain sharp. READ MORE – PEANUT BUTTER ENERGY BALLS recipe with video

How to make peanut milk at home:

Step 1: Into a bowl add in 1 cup of raw or roasted unsalted peanuts and top up the bowl with water until all the peanuts are covered in water and let this soak overnight (or for 6 to 8 hours so that the peanuts double in size) with a lid.

Step 2: This step is optional – You can boil the peanuts in the same water for 5 to 6 minutes in a heating pot and let it cool down before the next step.

Step 3: Pour in the soaked peanuts into a mixer blender, along with the water and grind it into a fine paste. You can keep adding in water until you get the desired consistency.

Tip: If you wish to have thicker peanut milk, add in lesser water. For thinner peanut milk, add in a little more water.

Step 4: Then, squeeze this mixture in a muslin cloth or cheesecloth until all the peanut milk has been extracted.

Step 5: Pour this into a bottle and store in the refrigerator for upto 4 days.

Caution: Peanuts contain certain proteins like arachin and conarachin which can lead to allergic reactions once consumed.