I’m sure most of you guys would have seen and tasted drumsticks. Well, while most of us know the use of these drumsticks and their benefits for our health, we often do not know that what is equally healthy are the leaves of the drumstick tree!

Yes, drumstick or moringa leaf powder is super healthy and has many benefits.

This wonder herb has a lot of health and beauty benefits

Here are the benefits of moringa powder for health:

  1. Can help improve bone and tooth health

Moringa has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat arthritis and promotes bone repair. It is rich in minerals and 4 times more calcium than milk. These minerals are very helpful in strengthening the bones and promoting better bone health. These minerals also help in promoting better teeth health as well.

  1. It can protect heart health

The consumption of moringa can help the bad cholesterol levels be brought down and can reduce the risk of developing heart disease and suffering from a heart attack. Moringa is rich in antioxidants and can help promote better heart health. Antioxidants are very important to keep the body healthy and ward off any diseases.

  1. Can be used to treat diabetes

Moringa can help reduce blood glucose in the urine as well. It contains proteins that have insulin-like properties that can help lower blood sugar levels. The chemicals found in the leaves of the moringa plant can help the body process blood sugar and the release of insulin in a better manner.

  1. Helps treat stomach conditions

For those who have salmonella or E.coli, common bacterial stomach infections, the antibacterial properties of moringa can help cure these infections along with its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. For those who suffer from constipation, gastric conditions or stomach ulcers, moringa powder can be beneficial to them as the antibacterial and antibiotic properties of this powder can help improve digestion and also treat these stomach conditions equally.

  1. It has anti-cancer properties

Moringa contains compounds that can help prevent cancer and also suppress any cancer cells from developing.

  1. It can help treat edema

Moringa can help treat edema (a condition caused when there is excess fluid trapped in the body’s tissues, causing the body parts like hands, legs, ankles, arms, feet, etc., to swell).

  1. Helps keep blood pressure under control

Moringa helps reduce blood pressure to a large extent as it contains compounds that can help stop the thickening of the arteries, which can otherwise cause a spike in blood pressure levels.

  1. Can help improve eye health

Moringa has high levels of antioxidants and 4 times more vitamin A than carrots which can help improve and promote better eye health. it can help inhibit the retina from dysfunctioning. It also is known to have an eye pressure-lowering effect on the eyes of those who have glaucoma.

9. Healthy skin and hair 

Moringa can also protect skin and hair against free radicals. It also contains antioxidants that strengthen hair follicles and improves skin tone.

Here are two super simple ways to consume moringa powder:

  1. Moringa and Honey Juice


1 glass water

¼ tsp moringa powder

Honey to taste


Into a glass of water, add in the moringa powder and honey to taste, stir well and consume during your lunch or dinner.

  1. Moringa Breakfast Oat Bowl


½ cup oats

1½ cups milk

¼ tsp moringa powder

1 tsp chia seeds

Chopped dry fruits and nuts of choice (optional)

Honey (optional)


Into a heating pot, add in the milk and oats and cook on medium heat for 8 to 10 minutes until the oats bloat and soften. Then, turn off the heat and add in the chopped dry fruits and nuts, chia seeds, honey and moringa powder. Stir well and it is ready to consume.


  • Those who are already taking prescription medication for lowering blood pressure should not consume moringa, as it can lower the blood pressure levels too much.
  • Those who are on other prescription medications for thyroid, diabetes or even pregnant or lactating mothers should consult a doctor before taking moringa powder.
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