Make this hair oil that is infused with hair growth boosting herbs and seeds that penetrates deep into the roots and providing with revitalizing and strengthening nutrition that your hair needs. The oil will help in healthy hair growth, strengthen the hair roots, prevent hair fall and also maintain the luster & thickness of your hair, and prevent premature greying.



Herbs – The 2 best herbs rosemary and peppermint are highly effective to control hair fall & promote hair growth. They help to minimize hair breakage & thinning of hair. This rosemary and peppermint hair oil can reverse hair loss by promoting hair growth even in balding areas. The herbs also work best to fight any scalp infection to keep your scalp healthy and free of dandruff.

Seeds – The best seeds you can use for your hair are fenugreek and black seeds. They help in reducing the occurrence of thinning hair and improve the strength of hair loss in men & women. This nourishing hair oil made with these seeds promotes the growth of healthy hair and improves its overall texture and volume.

You will need to use a carrier oil of your choice to make the oil. Chose any hair oil of your choice. The best hair oils are – castor oil, coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil that are known for their hair growth boosting properties. READ MORE – TOP 10 WATER REMEDIES – a healthy body and glowing skin


You will need –

  • Carrier oil – any oil of choice – 1/2 cup
  • Herbs – Rosemary and peppermint – 1 tbsp
  • Seeds – Fenugreek and Black seeds – 1 tbsp

Method 1 – To make a hair growth oil using a simple method, Add the 1/2 cup of carrier oil to a glass jar along with 1 tbsp each of dried rosemary and peppermint leaves and 1 tbsp each of light crushed fenugreek seeds and black seeds. ( crush the seeds using a mortar and pestle ). Infuse this oil in a sunny place for 2-3 weeks, the longer you infuse the stronger the oil will be. After 3 weeks, do not strain the herbs or seeds, let the herbs and seeds continue to infuse in the oil. Use it as a hair oil – Massage a small amount of oil on your scalp and leave it on for 30 mins or overnight. Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Use this after shampoo for smooth, shiny and healthy hair – Rice hair growth conditioner

Method 2 – In a saucepan, add some water and add a glass bowl on top of the saucepan to create a double boiler. Pour 1/2 cup of oil of your choice into the glass bowl. Add in 1 tbsp. each of the herbs and lightly crushed seeds to the bowl. Let the oil simmer on low for 15 mins to infuse the oil with herbs and seeds. READ MORE – HOMEMADE NATURAL SHAMPOO RECIPES for hair growth