Iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium and the list goes on! Yes, minerals, I’m sure you’ve heard about them and just like vitamins are very essential for the body.

But, do you know why each mineral is important for the body? What are they used for? Where are the best sources to get them from?
Well, I’ve got all your questions answered right here in this article! Check it out below!
10 Most Important Minerals| Benefits and Sources
1. Calcium
Calcium is known to be the most abundant mineral in the human body. It is essential for strong bones and blood clotting. Calcium also helps give the bones and teeth its structure. It can be got from dairy, leafy greens, seeds, nuts, dates, tofu etc.
2. Phosphorus
Phosphorous is used in all cell functions and it is a very used mineral for the human body. It is essential for the repair of the tissues and cells in the body (including its growth and maintenance). It can be got from fish, poultry, eggs, leafy greens, avocado, oats, legumes etc.
3. Potassium
Potassium can regulates major biological processes like muscle contraction, heartbeats etc. It also helps the nerves, the muscles in the heart to function well and can also help nutrients move around in the body. It can be got from most fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish etc.
4. Sodium
Sodium helps to maintainthe water balance in the body. It produces digestive juices and it also supports other biological processes.It can be got fromtable salt, fish, nuts, seeds and when salt is added into other foods as well.
5. Zinc
Zinc supports the immune system and aids in the healing of wounds. Zinc also helps in building up bodily immunity. A strong immunity can help the body fight bacteria and virus. It can be got from shellfish, nuts and seeds, dairy, meat etc.
6. Sulfur
Sulfur helps with digestion, waste elimination and also in the secretion of bile from the body. It can help build the body’s DNA and can also protect eh body from harsh and serious diseases like cancer. It can be got from eggs, avocado, garlic, cabbage, poultry, fish, soy etc.
7. Magnesium
Magnesium helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle functioning. It can also help and support a healthy immune system. Magnesium can help regulate blood sugar levels and also the body’s blood pressure. It can be got from nuts, spinach, fish, avocado, whole grains etc.
8. Iron
Iron is essential for red blood production (hemoglobin) in the body. Having a high hemoglobin level is essential because its function is to pick up oxygen from the air and deliver it to the parts of our body. It can be got from legumes, dried fruit, whole grains, spinach, beef liver, tofu etc.
9. Copper
Copper helps with the absorption and metabolism of iron in the body. It is a mineral that the body needs to stay healthy. It can help the body make energy and can support connective tissues and the body’s blood vessels as well. It can be got from nuts and seeds, shellfish, potatoes, dried fruits etc.
10. Chloride
Chloride acts as an electrolyte. It can also aid digestion; can regulate the pH levels of blood as well. It can be got from table salt, olives, tomato, celery, rye, seaweed etc.
Note: Trace Minerals
- It is essential to also remember that apart from these 10 important minerals for the body, our bodies also require trace minerals.
- While the body only requires trace minerals in small amounts, they are also important. The trace minerals include manganese, iodine, chromium, cobalt, selenium and fluoride.