Make Your Coffee Super Healthy

Make Your Coffee Super Healthy

Are you a big fan of coffee and are used to drinking a cup or two every day? Do you also sometimes also feel like having an extra cup, but feel guilty about consuming too much coffee? Well, how about trying out some of these healthy recipes so you don’t have to feel too guilty every time you sip on your coffee.

Make Your Coffee Super Healthy

Here are some healthy coffee recipes:

1. Ginger Coffee:

Ginger contains the compounds gingerols and shogaols, which aids food digestion and keeps blood sugar levels stabilized, in turn helping one to maintain a stable and healthy weight. It can also help reduce indigestion, gas and stomach cramping. It can also help boost one’s immunity and provide relief to those suffering from cold, fever, sore throat running nose and chest congestion.

Here’s how you can make ginger coffee:


2 tbsp grated ginger

⅓ cup sugar

1 cup hot milk

½ to1 tsp instant coffee powder


Firstly, you need to make some ginger syrup by adding the sugar into a small heating pot and once it melts, add in the ginger and let it come to a boil and then simmer for a few minutes before turning off the flame. Strain this into a small container (pressing the ginger downwards) and the remaining ginger syrup can be kept in the fridge for future use.

Then, into a cup add in ½ to 1 tsp of instant coffee powder, 2 tsp of ginger syrup and top it up with hot milk. Stir well and drink this early morning on an empty stomach and then wait for half an hour before consuming any other food item or beverage.

2. Black coffee with cinnamon:

Cinnamon can help aid weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, keep allergies, colds and coughs at bay. It will also help boost body immunity and promote better heart health.

How to make black cinnamon coffee:


1 cup water

1 tsp ground coffee powder

2 one-inch pieces of cinnamon
(Or ¼ to ½ tsp cinnamon powder)

Honey/sugar to taste


Into a heating pot, add in one cup of water and once it begins to heat, add in the ground coffee powder and cinnamon and let it come to a boil and then lower the flame and let it simmer for 2 to 4 minutes. Strain this into a cup, add in the honey/sugar to taste, stir well and consume.

Those who wish to add milk, can reduce the quantity of black coffee and add milk.

Tip: Increase or decrease the coffee powder as per your taste requirements.

3. Bulletproof coffee:

This one’s new to many for sure! This coffee is typically made with oil and butter. Sounds weird, doesn’t it? Well, you may also ask how this is supposed to be “healthy”?

In case you are looking for a low-carbohydrate or ketogenic diet, then maybe this coffee is the right one for you, but has to be drunk in moderation of course. This coffee is supposed to be had as a replacement for breakfast, but it may not serve you with the right amounts of proteins and nutrients as compared to a regular breakfast meal, so having it alongside your breakfast is advisable. Drinking this coffee can help improve mental focus and boost energy, reduce hunger, and therefore can keep one’s weight in check. READ MORE – GOLDEN WATER FOR CLEAR GLOWING SKIN

How to make bulletproof coffee:


1 cup water

1 tsp ground coffee powder

1 tsp unsalted butter

1 tsp thick coconut oil


Into a heating pot, add in one cup of water and once it begins to heat, add in the ground coffee powder and let it come to a boil and then lower the flame and let it simmer for 2 to 4 minutes. Strain this into a cup and let it sit until slightly cool.

Then, add the butter and coconut oil with half the quantity of the black coffee into a mixer blender and let it blend until the mixer gets frothy. Then, add in the rest of the black coffee, give it a quick blend, pour into a cup and it is ready to consume.

4. Curcumin/Turmeric Coffee:

We have often heard of turmeric tea, but how about turmeric coffee this time? Turmeric is anti-inflammatory in nature and can thereby help relieve pains in the body, boost immune system functioning and aid weight loss as the black pepper added to this coffee, not only gives it a spicy flavor boosts the absorption of the curcumin in the turmeric.

How to make curcumin/turmeric coffee at home:


1 cup water

1 tsp ground coffee powder

¼ tsp turmeric organic powder

⅛ tsp black pepper powder
(Or a pinch)


Into a heating pot, add in one cup of water and once it begins to heat, add in the ground coffee powder and let it come to a boil and then lower the flame and let it simmer for 2 to 4 minutes. Strain this into a cup, add in the organic turmeric powder and pepper powder, stir well and consume.

Tip: You can also add in a pinch of ginger and cinnamon powder if you like the spicy flavour. READ MORE – BLACK HAIR WATER to stop hair fall and regrow thinning hair