Healthy things to add to your smoothie include fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and protein –

• Rich in vitamin Clemons help combat arthritis
• Can beat common cold, and make your immune system stronger
• They are also excellent sources of antioxidants, which help your body flush fluid regularly
Use them whole rather than using just the juice. The fiber from its fleshy parts slows digestion so it is good for sustaining blood sugar levels and controlling weight.
• Chia seeds high in fiber, these seeds help reduce hunger pangs.
• Can help in weight loss
• Chia seeds lower inflammation
• Prevents clots that may lead to stroke and heart attack
• Reduces blood sugar levels, and aids in proper digestion
Chia seeds have a minimal flavor, so you can add as much amount in your smoothie as you like. However, to avoid a gel-like texture, limit it to one tablespoon per eight ounces of liquid.
• Aids the stomach and boosts metabolism
• Rich in anti-inflammatory properties.
• Good for treating respiratory infections and clearing out nasal passages.
• Cayenne pepper is also a good source of vitamins A. C. And E.
• Can help boost circulation throughout the body
Cayenne works well in green smoothie recipes and cleansing drinks that are lemon cucumber, or coconut water-based.
• Used for the treatment for illnesses such as constipation and fever.
• It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifying ingredient.
When you blend beets into your smoothie, you get to ingest a number of key nutrients, including manganese folic acid. Vitamins A, C and K. sulfur, iron, calcium choline, magnesium, copper, and silica Blend it with greens. cucumber, celery, or carrots for a refreshingly healthy breakfast smoothie.
• Good source of key nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K.
• Regarded as the queen of greens, kale also contains calcium, quercetin, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
Helps strengthen the immune system, keep the bones strong, relieve joint pains, alleviate asthma, diminish
the risk of cancer, and give the hair, akin, and nails a natural boost
• Has natural healing properties
• Help relieve joint pains and improves blood circulation
• Can help ease motion sickness
• Can help treat stomach flu, migraine, food poisoning,
and menstrual cramps.
• Research shows that turmeric, ginger combats cancer cells
Make sure to incorporate freshly chopped ginger into your smoothies rather than the powdered variety to give your drink an extra kick of taste and nutrition
• It is a nutritionally-packed superfood
• Can expel build-up of toxins in the colon
• Boost your digestion
• Decrease inflammation
• Enhances your heart’s health.
• Aloe vera is a great rejuvenator and moisturize
• It increases blood flow and repairs collagen
It is best eaten fresh. Look for leaves that are white or fresh looking and stay away from those with brown ends. Note that some species are not edible so make sure you do your
research, or you can purchase bottled edible Aloe Vera to stay
on the safe side.
• Naturally sourced and incredibly versatile, raw honey aids digestion and reduces your risk of cancer
• Raw honey is a much healthier and superior alternative even to pure honey
• Aside from vitamins B and C, it is rich in anti-oxidants and antibacterial properties, which helps treat bacterial infections and accelerate wound healing.
Raw honey can also be used to combat allergies and ease coughing or sore throat, so don’t be afraid to add a heap or two of raw honey the next time you are making a smoothie
• Turmeric helps relieve lots of health issues
• Packed with iron, it can ward off heart attacks, repair brain stem cells, delay diabetes, fight indigestion and heartburn, it may even kill cancer cells
A teaspoon of turmeric powder also contains curcumin which is deemed to carry anti-inflammatory benefits. making it an ideal ingredient to add in a post-workout.
• Yogurt is a good source of protein, which can help you feel full and provide energy.
• Yogurt contains beneficial bacterial cultures that can help with digestion and immunity.
• Yogurt and fruit smoothies can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Yogurt in a smoothie can provide protein, probiotics, and other nutrients. It can also help you feel full and energized.