Aromatics in cooking refer to simple combinations made from vegetables, spices and herbs, that are cooked in fat, at the start, before the dish is made.
The heat is what releases the aromas during the cooking, while the fat will help distribute the flavour throughout the dish, mixing it with the additionally added ingredients.

I’m sure that some of you might already be using some of these flavour combinations. But for those of you who don’t, make sure you start right away and spice up your dishes like never before!
Check out 8 aromatic flavour base combinations popular around the world!
8 Aromatic Flavour Base Combinations
Indian cooking is known to be one among the most aromatic in the world. They use many flavour combinations, but one of the most commonly used ones is the blend of onions, garlic and chillies, fried in vegetable oil or ghee (as the fat base).
Additionally, ingredients like chives, cilantro, shallots, star anise etc., can be added into the mix.
The Chinese most often cook their food on very high heat. They use the flavour base combination of scallions with ginger and garlic, cooked in vegetable oil, as its fat base. They also add in shallots, cilantro, chillies and chives for additional flavouring.
Thai curries are very popular all over the world because of its unique flavour. The mix of garlic, chillies and shallots, fried in coconut oil, gives the dish the unique flavour.
Additionally, ingredients like galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime etc., are added for enhanced taste, flavour and fragrance.
The Thai people use this flavour base combination to make massaman, red, green and yellow Thai curry pastes. They also use this aromatic flavour base for salad dressings, seafood dishes, noodles and soups.
Middle East
The Middle Eastern cuisine uses the flavour base combination of onions, garlic, tomatoes and chives, tossed in vegetable oil or ghee. Sometimes, raisins are also added in the same flavour base.
They also add spices like saffron, cardamom, sumac, cinnamon, turmeric, baharat, cumin, ginger and more, for that additional zing.
French Mirepoix
Mirepoix has been used by the French people since years and years now, as their base for flavouring casseroles, soups, stews, sauces and marinades. This is a combination of celery, onions and carrots, which are tossed in butter (as the fat base).
The ratio of using these three base ingredients is 2:1:1 where onion is 2 parts, to 1 part each of carrots and celery, all diced into cubes and sautéed in the butter until soft and well-cooked. Additionally, you can add in ingredients like chives, chillies, cilantro and shallots.
Italian Soffritto
Italian Soffritto is a mixture of onions, celery and carrots, tossed in olive oil as its fat base. It is very similar to the French Mirepoix, but only its fat base is different, but uses the same ratios of its ingredients, that is 2 parts of onions to 1 part each of celery and carrots.
Italians chop up their vegetables larger and roughly, as compared to the French, but it gives out the same taste and flavour regardless. This flavour combination is used in stews, lasagna, bolognese, soups etc.
Cajun Holy Trinity
This flavour base combination consists of onions, celery and green bell pepper (very similar to mirepoix). The fat base is butter. Cajun Holy Trinity is used in the ratio 1:1:1, wherein all the 3 base ingredients are equal parts.
Additionally, paprika, garlic, shallots and parsley can be added into the dish for enhanced flavouring.
Latin American Sofrito
Similar to the Italian Soffritto, this aromatic flavour combination is also called as refogado and it is used as a base for many dishes including vegetables, rice, farofa etc.
The base is onions, celery, carrots, fried in olive oil (as its fat base). Other ingredients like tomatoes, bell peppers and hot chillies are added for extra flavour and fragrance.