Dark spots are also known as sunspots, freckles, age spots etc. and are caused due to excess exposure to sun, blemishes, acne and blackheads that can make your skin looks unhealthy. Here are some amazing and effective overnight remedies that will make your skin free of dark spots, black spots, pimple marks, or even acne scars.

Potato for dark spots – Potato has natural bleaching properties that help to brighten and lighten the skin tone to fade away dark spots. Grate some fresh and clean potatoes and add them to a cheesecloth. Squeeze out all the juice from the grated potatoes to collect the juice in a bowl. Apply the freshly squeezed juice on your dark spots and leave it on overnight to fade the spots and acne scars.
Aloe vera for dark spots – Aloe vera has excellent healing and skin reparing properties that are known to help in skin regeneration. Exfoliate your skin regularly to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Take some fresh aloe vera gel and then gently apply it to the dark spots. Leave it for 30 minutes or overnight and then wash it off with cold water to notice an improvement.
Pineapple for dark spots – Known for its bleaching properties, pineapple juice is apt for getting rid of dark spots. Pineapple is a citrus fruit that is very high in Vitamin C and helps to keep it looking even, beautiful, and naturally bright. Just grab a Q-tip, dip it in some pineapple juice, and apply it directly to each spot or area you wish to lighten. Leave it on overnight and wash with cold water. Repeat this procedure twice daily for over two months to see noticeable results. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the juice with honey.Use fresh juice and not bottled juice because it may contain other chemicals that may damage the skin. READ MORE – WAYS TO USE ALOE VERA FOR HAIR GROWTH
Yogurt for dark spots – Yogurt contains lactic acid that helps to exfoliate the skin to help remove blemishes and dark spots without drying the skin. Using a cotton ball apply natural yogurt over the dark spots, leave it on overnight and rinse it off in the morning. Take 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, add 1 teaspoon of raw honey in it and apply it directly onto dark spots or age spots and leave it to dry for 20-30 minutes. Make sure to repeat this procedure twice or thrice a week to get effective results.
Rosehip oil – Rosehip oil is excellent to treat your skin to brighten and reduce dark spots. Add in few drops of turmeric essential oil and use it every night before going to bed to massage your skin to natural skin-lightening skin and help fight dark spots.
Tomato for dark spots – Tomato has great brightening and lightening properties that can help to lighten dark spots, acne, and pigmentation gradually. Simply cut the tomato in half, add a little turmeric powder and rub the pulp/massage the pulp n facial skin or 15 minutes. Let the residue dry and sleep with it. READ MORE – OVERNIGHT RICE WATER FOR FASTER HAIR GROWTH
Follow these simple home remedies at least 2-3 times a week to deal with darkened skin in the comfort of your home. No matter which method you choose, if you can commit to staying dedicated and consistent in your application, you should start to notice your dark spots fading in no time.