Ginger and Onion are the two best natural ingredients to naturally exfoliate the scalp, clear dandruff, remove dead skin, unclog hair follicles which keeps your scalp healthy to stop hair fall and promote hair growth.

STOP HAIR FALL AND CLEAR DANDRUFF with onion and ginger juice

ONION – Onions contain rich source of sulphur that help in providing the required nourishment to help with faster hair growth and also works best to stop hair fall. Onion juice also has properties that can clear dandruff, it improves your scalp health and keeps your hair healthy. Use onion juice on your hair once or twice a week on your hair to get rid of dandruff effectively.

GINGER – the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of Ginger help to treat scalp infection as well as stimulates an improved circulation in the scalp. It clears dandruff and also boosts hair growth. Ginger exfoliates the scalp from dead skin and flakes to deep clean the scalp and keeps it clear. READ MORE – TURMERIC – SKIN BRIGHTENING FACE AND BODY MASK

You will need –

  • Onion
  • Ginger

Blend an onion in a blender and then using a cheese cloth extract the juice. Apply this juice on your scalp and massage it in. Leave it on for 30 mins and rinse off with plain water. To get rid of the onion smell use a vinegar or coffee hair rinse – Hair Rinse for a healthy scalp and stronger hair

watch the full video here –

To make ginger Juice, grate ginger and extract the juice by squeezing the grated ginger through a strainer. As ginger is strong, dilute the juice with equal amounts of water.
Using a cotton ball apply the juice on your scalp and leave it on for 15-20 mins. Rinse off and shampoo if required. Use this ginger hair treatment once or twice a month. READ MORE – 2 BEST HERBS to stop hair fall and treat thinning hair

Caution – Patch test before use. If you have sensitive scalp then do not use ginger on your scalp.