Who does not like their voluminous, shiny locks of hair? And watching it thinning every day could be quite disheartening; so much that you may gradually end up fearing to even brush or run your fingers through your hair. The reasons for hair thinning could range from internal to external factors – nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, genetics, allergies, poor hair care, pollution, water quality, and unhealthy lifestyle. As many problems, so many solutions, but you can find the best of all remedies right at your home to regrow thinning hair!

Aloe vera
Benefits: Rich source of proteolytic enzymes, aloe vera facilitates repair of dead skin cells on the scalp, stimulates hair growth from dormant hair follicles, and prevents scalp itchiness and dandruff. It conditions your hair leaving it smooth and shiny. Drinking aloe vera juice also promotes hair growth.
Application: Extract gel by slicing the aloe vera leaf with a knife. Whisk the gel until you get a smooth consistency. Massage the gel on your scalp for 5-7 minutes. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse it with warm water. Do it twice weekly.
Benefits: Egg helps to improve scalp health to enhance the hair quality, texture and appearance. It helps to improve hair growth and prevent any hair fall.
Application: After application, put a shower cap to cover your hair and leave it for 30 minutes. Then rinse with regular water and shampoo. This mask will naturally soften and smoothen your hair, so you can skip using a conditioner. Do it once a week.
Benefits: Fenugreek seeds contains folic acid, Vitamin A, and vitamin C that are a rich source of protein and biotin acid known to be beneficial against thinning hair, hair fall and also treat various scalp conditions like dandruff, infections, and baldness. READ MORE – How to use fenugreek to regrow thinning hair
Green Tea
Benefits: Loaded with antioxidants, green tea is highly efficient in fighting free radicals resulting in healthy scalp and hair, and stimulating growth of new hair.
Application: Brew a cup of strong green tea. Cool it and strain. Pour the tea through your hair while gently massaging your scalp. Saturate your hair completely with the tea and leave it on for 1 hour. Then rinse it with lukewarm water. Do it once or twice weekly.
Benefits – Onions are rich in sulfur that nourishes the hair follicles and adds nutrients to stop hair fall and also regrow thinning hair. They are rich in antioxidants and also boost circulation for healthy hair growth.
Application: Blend onion and strain the juice. Apply the onion juice on your scalp for 30 mins before you wash your hair with a mild shampoo. To remove the onion smell rinse off your hair with a coffee or vinegar rinse.
Rice water
Benefits – fatty acids and essential amino acids. These nutrients together nourish hair follicles thereby facilitating healthy hair growth and deep conditioning of your hair. READ MORE – CASTOR OIL RICE WATER HAIR SPRAY for thicker hair growth
- Avoid chemical-based hair products like harsh dyes and colors, sprays, gels as well as hair treatments like perming.
- Use chemical-free mild shampoos.
- Enrich your diet with protein, iron, folic acid, and other essential minerals.
- Drink an ample amount of water.
- Oil your hair regularly.
- If you are on any kind of medication, consult your doctor for any possibility of hair loss.
With healthy food and lifestyle along with good hair care regime, you can regain your lustrous locks in the most natural and permanent way.