We often hear about the benefits of green tea. But how often do you hear about the benefits of black tea? Why is this cup of goodness so underrated?


Black tea can benefit both your health and beauty! Let’s look at how.

Health benefits:

1.  Helps boost body immunity:

For the body to fight any infections, body immunity is of utmost necessity. The antioxidants in the body help boost these immunity levels. Black tea is rich in an antioxidant called polyphenols and when black tea is consumed, it can help protect the body from diseases as it helps fight free radical damage to the body, while otherwise these free radicals can affect the other healthy cells in the body and cause diseases.

2. Lowers bad cholesterol levels:

Consuming black tea can help reduce the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body, which can otherwise lead to build up in the arteries and can cause the cholesterol levels to rise and result in heart problems or stroke. the antioxidants present in black tea can also help protect overall heart health.

3. Helps protect digestive health:

The consumption of black tea can help promote better digestive health by increasing the growth of good gut bacteria and inhibiting bad gut bacteria like salmonella from growing and causing gut and digestive infections. The antimicrobial properties of black tea helps maintain , protect and repair gut lining.

4. Can help reduce blood pressure:

Drinking black tea can help reduce one’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure and keep blood pressure under control.

Beauty benefits:

1. Beneficial to the hair:

  • Black tea contains caffeine (a natural stimulant) which can help counteract the effects of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the main hormone responsible for hair loss.
  • Black tea contains high concentration of tannins, which are phenolic compounds that bind to the keratin protein of the hair.
  • For those who have naturally dark coloured hair, this black tea hair rinse can give your hair  temporary boost and can also help reduce the appearance of grey hair.
  • Black tea can help boost your hair and promote the hair sheen, temporarily and could also support the growth of healthy and lustrous hair.
  • As black tea contains minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous, it can help nourish the hair and promote hair growth.

2.  Beneficial to the skin:

Black tea is rich in antioxidants like polyphenols that help protect the skin from signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines. It can also reduce blemishes and puffiness. When we consume black tea, it helps flush out the toxins from the body and protects and promotes better skin health.

Tip: You can use a black tea spray or tea bags for your skin. Leave it on 10 to 20 minutes before washing off with a mild cleanser and plain water.

Here’s how you can make black tea at home:


1 cup of water

2 black tea bags
(Or 1½ to 2 tsp black tea powder or tea leaves)


In a heating pot, add in one cup of water and once the water is heated, add in the tea bags or tea powder.  Let it come to a boil and then let it simmer for 2 to 3 minutes before turning off the flame. Strain and add in honey or sugar for sweetening (optional).

You can use this same black tea as a hair spray, here’s how:

Let the black tea cool completely and then strain it into a spray bottle.

Spray this m evenly on your scalp and you can partition your hair to make this process easier. After application, gently massage it in for 4 to 5 minutes and then cover your head with a shower cap and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. After that you can rinse off with a mild shampoo and conditioner. Let it dry naturally, after pat drying it with a towel. Use this black tea spray one to two times a week for the best results.

Caution: Patch testing before complete application is always recommended.