Essential oils are one great concentrated botanical extracts that have multiple uses! Talking about rosemary oil here, it has great skin and scalp purifying benefits and also help keep skin …
There are many reasons why some of us have high electricity bills. Be it our dishwasher and washer usage, other electrical appliances and the list goes on. But during the …
DIY eco friendly cleaners with BAKING SODA – BASIC SINK CLEANER Ingredients Recipe – Combine all ingredients and pour into sink. Scrub and wipe down surface and rinse with hot …
Have you ever experienced those painful razor burns or had to walk around with a few razor cuts until they healed? Well, that clearly indicates that you have shaved without …
Hair growth is often affected by lack of nutrition, product buildup, excessive heat treatments etc. If your hair lacks optimum growth, you might have already tried a lot of products …
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I’m sure you guys are all set to prep your Thanksgiving meal right? Well, what’s on the menu this time? Not yet ready …