Are you ready to attempt yet another method to attain those perfectly beautiful tresses? Try out using black tea in your hair care routine. Well then, let’s get into the details.

Black Tea to darken hair and stop hair fall

What is black tea and how is it different from green tea?

This maybe a common question arising, when we talk about tea. Well, black tea and green tea, both come from the same species of plant called ‘Camellia sinensis’, which is an evergreen shrub and is also known as “tea plant” or “tea shrub”, which should not be confused with “tea tree”, which is different from these plants and is the source of tea tree oil. The main difference between black tea and green tea is the way the leaves are processed to obtain the final product.

Here’s how black tea can benefit your hair:

1. Contains tannins which can retain and enhance hair colour:

Black tea contains high concentration of tannins, which are phenolic compounds that bind to the keratin protein of the hair. It can help steer your hair away from heat damage and can also prevent coloured hair from fading and can repair damaged and bleached hair.

For those who have naturally dark coloured hair, this black tea hair rinse can give your hair  temporary boost and can also help reduce the appearance of grey hair.

2. To counteract the effects of (Dihydrotestosterone) DHT:

Black tea contains caffeine (a natural stimulant) which can help counteract the effects of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the main hormone responsible for hair loss, as it can shrink the hair follicles and shorten its cycle. This makes the hair grow thinner and makes it brittle, therefore causing it to break and fall out faster than usual.

For people who have high levels of DHT, it will make it take longer for their hair follicles to grow back once the old hair follicles have fallen out. The caffeine in black tea could help support hair growth by lengthening the anagen phase or the hair producing phase of hair growth.

3. Gives your hair a boost and increases hair shine:

At times our hair looks damaged (where light doesn’t reflect off the hair making it look dull) and lifeless and this could be due to improper hair care, excessive exposure to heat etc. Hair shine comes from well hydrated and undamaged hair. Black tea rinse can help boost your hair and promote the hair sheen, temporarily and could also support the growth of healthy and lustrous hair.

4. Provides nourishment and increases blood flow:

As black tea contains minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous, it can help nourish the hair and promote hair growth. The gentle massaging of the scalp after application of the black tea can help improve blood circulation and promote hair growth by the stimulation of the hair follicles. READ MORE – Overnight Hair Water Treatments to stop hair fall

Black Tea to darken hair and stop hair fall

How to make the black tea hair rinse:


  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 black tea bags
    (Or 1½ to 2 tsp black tea powder or tea leaves)


In a heating pot, add in one cup of water and once the water is heated, add in the tea bags.  Let it come to a boil and then let it simmer for 2 to 3 minutes before turning off the flame and let it sit until it cools down. Then remove the tea bags or strain the tea into a spray bottle.

Spray this mixture evenly on your scalp and you can partition your hair to make this process easier. After application, gently massage it in for 4 to 5 minutes and then cover your head with a shower cap and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. After that you can rinse off with a mild shampoo and conditioner. Let it dry naturally, after pat drying it with a towel. Use this black tea rinse one to two times a week for the best results.

Black Tea Shampoo


  • 1/2 cup black tea
  • 1/4 cup castile soap
  • 1 tbsp of light weight oils like argan oil or coconut oil
  • Peppermint or rosemary Essential oil – few drops

Add everything to a pump bottle and shake it well to combine. Use it as a normal shampoo for healthy hair growth.


  • Depending on your hair length, you can increase or decrease the quantity.
  • If there is any black tea liquid remaining, you can even pour it on your hair before you shower, wait for a couple of minutes and then rinse off.

Caution: Do not overuse, especially for those people with low porosity hair (when the hair doesn’t absorb moisture very easily), the caffeine in the black tea rinse may dry out the hair strands if it is left on the hair for too long. Therefore, remember to condition your hair once the black tea has been properly rinsed off with water, so the lost moisture can be restored. READ MORE –5 NATURAL HAIR CONDITIONERS to use after hair wash for healthy hair growth