Are you one of those people who haven’t started pampering your skin yet? Well, then you should! Because lack of skin care can lead to breakouts, acne, blackheads, whiteheads and early signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. Therefore, following a proper morning skin care routine is very important to have a flawless skin and keep your skin looking radiant and glowing for longer.


Here’s a guide to get you on the road to achieving that flawless skin, with this simple skin care routine every morning.

Detox your skin with ginger lemon water

Lemon ginger tea has a high amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that improve your overall skin health. The rich source of vitamin C in lemon and anti oxidants in ginger will will purify the skin from within to keep your skin glowing and heathy.

To make – Add 2 small piece of ginger with few lemon slices along with a cup of water in a saucepan. Simmer on low for 5 mins and sip on it warm for a healthy morning detox drink. You can add raw honey to it if desired.

Use a facial cleanser

Face cleansers are made purely to purify, hydrate and soothe the skin and clean the pores deeply. Face cleansers come in different forms/textures like creams, gels, liquids etc. When applied on dampened skin, it will begin to lather into foam. Then gently massage it on your skin in circular motions for around 30 to 40 seconds, before washing off.


Skin icing

Skin icing can have a positive impact on the appearance and tightness of the pores. Skin icing helps to refresh the skin and retain the moisture of the skin, therefore not causing your skin to become dry and irritated. It act as a barrier between your skin and any other products you are going to apply.

Extract fresh aloe vera gel from the plant and freeze them in an ice cube tray. Wrap the ice cubes in a muslin cloth and gently move in a circular motion across the face that leaves it cool, glowing and silky smooth too. Apply the ice cube before applying makeup for smooth flawless skin.

Apply a serum

Serums absorb quickly into the skin and can help brighten the skin and give it a glow. Vitamin C can also help reduce blemishes and boosts skin hydration.

You can take a pea-sized amount of serum in your hand, rub your hands together and gently massage it onto your face and neck using circular motions, for around 1 to 2 minutes.

Apply a moisturizer

Skin moisturizers help reduce skin dryness or oiliness and can help prevent further breakouts, while also reducing the risk of any other skin problems arising.

You can take a little amount of moisturizer on your finger tips and gently apply it onto your face and neck using circular motions.

Apply sunscreen

Sunscreens are used to protect the skin from the harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays of the sun which can cause sunburn, premature aging, fine lines and wrinkles. Apply sunscreen every single day even if you are indoors.

Take a good amount of sunscreen on your finger tips and gently apply it onto your face at different places (like spots of sunscreen) and then gently rub it on your face evenly.

Here is an additional tip which you can follow two to three times a day during your morning routine:

As the open pores on the face can lead to build up and clogging of the pores with dead skin cells, dirt etc, which lead to acne, breakouts, blackheads, whiteheads etc, it is important that the pores too get cleansed.

Try this method –

  • Use warm water or steam to help your pores to open up before washing or cleansing your face, so that it makes it easier for the dirt and grime to come out of the pores. You can dip a cloth or towel in warm water (do not make it hot or else it will scald or burn your skin) and dab it over your face for 30 seconds or even opt to use steam instead of the warm water towel dab method.
  • After cleansing your face, use cold water, so that the skin on the face tightens, so that future clogging can be reduced. You can dip your face in a bowl of cold water for 15 seconds or wash your face with cold water. You can even dip a cloth or towel in cold water and dab it over your face for 15 seconds.