Enriched with antioxidants this hair water helps to purify your hair and promote a healthy, nourished scalp naturally. Hibiscus maintains the shine and color of your hair to make sure your tresses are super hydrated. It stimulates hair growth & strengthens hair. 


HIBISCUS –  Its nourishing and moisturizing herbs lock in moisture so no itchy scalp & dry, frizzy unruly hair anymore. which nourish hair internally & protect hair from pollution, chemical & toxins to give you healthy, shiny & lustrous hair. Reduces hairfall and promotes healthy hair growth. READ MORE –

You will need

  • Fresh or dried hibiscus flowers – 2-3
  • Water

To make dried hibiscus flowers, take few hibiscus flowers and lay them on a tray, and keep it in a sunny place for 2-3 days. Store the dried flowers in an airtight container.


In a saucepan, add 1 cup of water along with dried or fresh hibiscus flowers. Simmer on low for 5 mins. After you wash and condition your hair, pour the water as a final rinse on your scalp and hair. Massage the water into the scalp and leave it on, do not rinse off. Dry your hair and style your hair as you normally would.

Tips – You can add green tea leaves along with hibiscus flowers for added benefits. Green tea has hair growth boosting properties and will help to treat hair fall. If you have dry hair then add fresh aloe vera gel from the plant to the hibiscus water before you use it on your hair to add shine and softness to your hair.