HERBAL HAIR OIL for thicker hair growth

HERBAL HAIR OIL for thicker hair growth

Herbal hair oils are made with all-natural ingredients that can help work at hair root level by promoting blood circulation in the scalp and stimulating the hair follicles right from its root in turn promoting hair growth and preventing scalp infections.

HERBAL HAIR OIL for thicker hair growth

Herbal Hair growth Oil blend

Castor oil helps moisturize the hair and scalp, while also reducing dandruff and preventing dandruff formation. It can help promote hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles and will enhance hair health.

Black seed oil can help reduce hair fall by penetrating deep into the hair shaft, preventing protein loss and also reduces it from getting damaged. It moisturizes the hair and promotes hair growth. READ MORE – BLACK SEED HAIR OIL TO STOP HAIR LOSS AND BOOST HAIR GROWTH

Rosemary helps improve the blood circulation in the scalp and prevents the scalp from being starved of the essential nutrients, which lead to hair damage and hair fall. It can stimulate hair growth and also help treat alopecia.

Peppermint works as a cleanser for clogged pores. It is known to reduce dry and itchy scalp problems because it has antimicrobial properties. It can help promote hair growth during the anagen phase (also known as the “active growing” phase of hair).

HERBAL HAIR OIL for thicker hair growth

You will need –

  • Castor oil – 1/4 cup
  • Black seed Oil – 1/4 cup
  • Rosemary leaves – 1 tbsp.
  • Peppermint leaves – 1 tbsp.

To use – In a saucepan add water and keep a big bowl on top of the saucepan to create a double boiler. In the bowl add in the oils and dried rosemary and peppermint leaves. Let the water simmer on oil to infuse the herbs with the oil for 15-20 mins on low flame. You can also keep the oils in some warm sunny place to infuse the oils with the herbs.

Pour the oil along with the herbs into a glass jar, do not strain the oil. Let the herbs continue to infuse in the oil.

You can use this herbal hair growth oil in many ways for a healthy hair growth –

Hair serum – Take 1 tbsp. of fresh or commercial pure aloe vera gel that is free of fragrance and artificial colorant in a bowl. Add in 1 tsp of this oil and mix it well. Smoot a pea size on damp hair after hair wash to add shine and for healthy hair.

Hair Spray – To a spray bottle, add 1/2 cup of water or rose water, add in 1 tbsp. of the herbal hair growth oil blend. Shake really well and spray it lightly all over your hair and scalp before bedtime. You can rinse it off in the morning or leave it on.

Scalp Massage – Massage this oil on your scalp 30 mins before shower. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. READ MORE – NATURAL ORGANIC DIY SHAMPOO RECIPES FOR HEALTHY HAIR GROWTH