As you start ageing, those pesky grey hair strands begin to show up on the hair and most people hate the look of those grey hair strands amidst their lovely black or brown hair.
Well, while most people simply choose to dye their hair black, I personally would recommend using natural hair dyes like henna or indigo powder that can very easily cover up grey hair and give your hair a boosted natural hair color as well.

Never used henna or indigo powder before? Do not worry, this article will give you a step-wise guide on how to use these natural powder dyes on your hair to cover all your greys in no time!
How to use henna powder to cover grey hair? Henna powder gives grey hair a reddish brown tint when used as a dye and here’s how you can use it on your grey hair.
To make:
- Henna powder
- Instant coffee powder
- Hot water
Step 1: Into a mixing bowl, add in the henna powder and set aside.
Step 2: Into a little hot water, add in the instant coffee powder and set it aside for 5 to 7 minutes to brew.
Step 3: Into the mixing bowl with the henna powder, pour in some of the brewed coffee, just enough to be able to convert the henna powder into a semi-thick paste.
Step 4: Set this aside, covered, for at least 8 hours (or overnight) before using it.
To use on the hair:
Give this mixture a stir and then partition your dry hair and using an applicator brush, evenly apply this henna mixture all over your hair. Then, leave it on your head for at least 3 to 4 hours (while it will harden). During this time, you can cover your head with a shower cap if you wish to. Thereafter, rinse off with plain warm water.
Caution: Make sure to apply Vaseline on your hairline and also wear gloves, so that the henna doesn’t stain your skin.
watch the full video here –
How to use indigo powder to cover grey hair?
Indigo powder gives grey hair a dark brown or black tint when used as a dye and here’s how you can use it on your grey hair.
To make:
- Henna powder
- Indigo powder
- Warm water
Step 1: Into a mixing bowl, add in the henna powder along with a little warm water so that the henna can form a semi-thick paste. Then, set this aside for 8 to 10 hours (or overnight) while covered with a lid.
Step 2: After the henna mixture has been kept aside for the required amount of time, before using it on your hair, follow this next step.
Step 3: Into another mixing bowl, add in the indigo powder along with some warm water, give it a mix until it forms a semi-thick paste.
Step 4: Once both the henna mixture and indigo mixture is ready, mix both these mixtures together to form a combined henna-indigo mixture.
To use on the hair:
Give this mixture a stir and then partition your dry hair and using an applicator brush, evenly apply this henna-indigo mixture all over your hair. Then, leave it on your head for at least 3 to 4 hours (while it will harden). During this time, you can cover your head with a shower cap if you wish to. Thereafter, rinse off with plain warm water.
- Make sure to apply Vaseline on your hairline and also wear gloves, so that the henna and indigo mixture doesn’t stain your skin.
- It is essential to remember that indigo powder is a natural blue dye and will give grey hair a blue tint if not mixed along with henna powder while used for covering up greys.