We find the ingredient “Turmeric” make its way into almost every recipe of healthy food items, herbal drinks and even beauty products. What is it that makes turmeric such a special ingredient?

Well, it is because turmeric is a super versatile ingredient that has multiple benefits to out health, for our body and for our skin. Thus, adding turmeric into things we consume can be a great way to incorporate turmeric into our diets. But what better way to have our daily dose of turmeric than adding it into a lovely refreshing and chilled smoothie? In this article, I’ll give you the recipes of four of the best turmeric smoothies you can try at home!


Benefits of adding turmeric into your smoothie:

The benefits of adding turmeric into your diet are many, but below are a few of the main benefits of turmeric to your health.

  1. Relief from pain and inflammation.
  2. Helpful for skin allergies, treatment of acne and psoriasis.
  3. Aids one’s digestion and keeps your gut healthy.
  4. Acts as an immunity booster and aids general health.
  5. Promote clear healthy skin.
  6. It can help purify the blood.

Four best turmeric smoothie recipes:

Turmeric Spinach Smoothie – For a quick energy boost, whip up this easy and healthy spinach smoothie. 


1 cup frozen pineapple or orange cubes

1 cup coconut water

1 inch fresh turmeric root
(Or ¼ tsp turmeric powder)

¼ cup baby spinach

Pinch of black pepper


Into a blender, add in the frozen pineapple cubes, along with the banana and turmeric root (or powder). Give it a good blend until it becomes a smooth paste. Then, add in the coconut water and coconut oil. Blend well and it is ready to consume.

Spicy Turmeric Smoothie – A healing anti inflammatory smoothie to start your day.


1 cup coconut milk

1 cup papaya or apple cubes

¼ tsp turmeric powder

¼ tsp cinnamon powder

¼ tsp ground ginger


Into a blender, add in the papaya cubes, along with the turmeric powder, cinnamon powder and ground ginger. Give it a good blend until it becomes a smooth paste. Then, add in the coconut milk. Blend well and it is ready to consume.

Turmeric Golden Smoothie – A delicious breakfast smoothie with turmeric and mango.


¼ tsp turmeric powder

1 cup frozen mango cubes or banana

1 tsp chia seeds

¾ cup water

1 tsp coconut oil


Into a blender, add in frozen mango cubes, soaked chia seeds, coconut oil, turmeric powder along with water. Give it a good blend until it becomes a smooth paste. Blend well and pour into a glass. If it too thick then make it into a smoothie bowl and top it off with some roasted nuts and seeds.

Turmeric Carrot Smoothie – A nutrient-rich combination of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals in each sip.


1 large ripe banana

¼ tsp turmeric powder

¼ cup carrot

1 cup plant milk

Dates – 3


Into a blender, add in the banana, along with the fresh pineapple pieces and give it a good blend until it becomes a smooth paste. Then, add in the carrot juice, turmeric powder and almond milk. Blend well and it is ready to consume.

To make the carrot juice: You can chop up 1 carrot and blend it in a mixer with 1 cup of water. Then, strain the pulp to get the carrot juice.

Turmeric Matcha Smoothie – A powerful antioxidant that is extremely beneficial to keep your skin healthy and glowing.


1/2 tsp matcha powder

¼ tsp turmeric powder

1/2 cup Yogurt

1/2 cup water

Date syrup or honey – 3

In a cup, add all the ingredients and mix it well. U can use a whisk to mix everything really well and serve chilled.