Coffee can be used in many different ways in your beauty routine and also around your home. Coffee is known to help strengthen the hair, help increase blood circulation to the scalp, it also helps to exfoliate and brighten the skin naturally.

Clever uses for coffee –
Stain Furniture – If you like to have a deeper color to your furniture then you can stain your furniture easily with coffee to give it an antique look. Take instant coffee and add little hot water to it, add more coffee for a deeper color. Take a brush and apply it to your furniture and leave it to dry. You can apply 2-3 layers until you get your desired color.
Smooth and soft skin – Reuse your coffee ground to make a body or a foot scrub for smooth, baby-soft skin. Take your used 1-2 tbsp of coffee grounds and them to 1/2 cup of your favorite body wash.
Hair scrub – Deep clean your scalp with a hair scrub using coffee grounds. The used coffee grounds are gentle on the scalp and help to exfoliate the scalp from dry and dead skin to unclog the hair follicles for healthy hair growth. Mix 1 tsp of coffee grounds In your shampoo and massage it gentle on your scalp for 60 secs and rinse off to exfoliate dead skin from the scalp.
Bug repellent – The acidity in coffee grounds is particularly unattractive to slugs, snails and fleas. Sprinkle used coffee grounds in your backyard to repel snails and fleas naturally.
Fabric Dye – Dye your fabric or napkins at home to make it look vintage by using brewed coffee. Brew a strong cup of coffee and add your fabric to it. Let it soak overnight in the coffee for a stronger color. Rinse the fabric with cold water and air dry.
Fade Dark circles – Brighten the skin under the eyes to fade dark circles and also smooth fine lines by using coffee. Mix coffee grounds with aloe vera and apply it under your eyes.
Fertilizer: Adding coffee grounds to your soil gives your plants many essential nutrients. Coffee grounds can also help absorb heavy metals that could be present in your soil. Mixing coffee grounds in your soil also helps it hold water, keeping it moist for longer.
Repel mosquitos – Some compounds in coffee can be toxic to insects like mosquitos, cockroaches, fruit flies, and other members of the insect family. Sprinkle coffee grounds in still waters to stop mosquito from breeding.
Coffee spice mix – mix freshly ground coffee with your favorite seasonings to make a spice rub to tenderize and accentuate the flavor of different cuts of meat. Whether it’s beef, ribs, brisket, pork chops or even venison or duck, you can use a coffee spice rub.