Cinnamon is a commonly used spice known for its distinct flavour and beneficial properties to both health and beauty. It is got from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree, dried until it curls up into rolls, called cinnamon sticks or cinnamon quills, which can be ground into powder or used for extract. Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, the compound mainly responsible for its flavouring and most of its benefits.


Benefits of cinnamon tea:

For weight loss: A lot of people contain high-fat foods in the daily diet and consuming cinnamon tea could help in reducing the effects of it.

Can help lower blood sugar levels: Cinnamon tea has properties known to lower blood sugar levels. It can help decrease the amount of glucose (a simple sugar) that enters your blood stream after a meal. It can also help breakdown carbohydrates in your digestive tract. It can act on the cells by mimicking insulin (the hormone that lowers the level of glucose in the blood).

For symptoms of cold, cough and sore throat: Cinnamon tea can help relieve the symptoms of cold, cough and sore throat as it is rich in antioxidant polyphenols and proanthocyanidins which can help boost body immunity.

To aid sleep: Consuming cinnamon tea or cinnamon milk before bed can help promote sleep, as it relaxes the muscles and removes tension from the body, in turn allowing one to soon drift off to sleep.

To boost immunity: Since cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants, it can boost one’s immunity by preventing free radical (unstable molecules that damage the other healthy molecules and healthy cells in the body) damage.

For heart health: Cinnamon tea can help raise the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce one’s blood pressure, triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Reduce bad breath and prevent tooth decay: Cinnamon contains the compound cinnamaldehyde which have antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help reduce bad breath and prevent tooth decay.

Beneficial for skin health: Cinnamon can help promote collagen (a protein) formation and promote skin hydration and skin elasticity and can also reduce and decrease the signs of aging. Cinnamon has properties that can help fight bacteria causing acne for a flawless skin. READ MORE – ADD THIS TO YOUR WATER FOR CLEAR GLOWING SKIN


There are two ways of making this herbal cinnamon tea:


  • 1 glass hot water
  • 2 one-inch sticks of cinnamon
    (½ tsp cinnamon powder)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • ½ tsp lemon juice (optional)

Method 1: Using cinnamon sticks

Into a heating pot, add in one glass of water and the cinnamon sticks. Let it come to a boil and then let it simmer for 5 to 6 minutes, until the colour of the water changes. Turn off the flame and let it sit for 5 minutes with a lid on. Then strain this into a cup, add in the honey and lemon juice, stir it well and it is ready to consume.

Method 2: Using cinnamon powder

In a glass add in the cinnamon powder and then pour into it ¼ cup of hot water and stir it well. Then once it is well stirred in, add in the rest of the hot water and stir well. Leave this cinnamon water aside to cool for around half an hour until it comes to room temperature. Then, add in the honey and lemon juice, stir it well and it is ready to consume.

When to drink this: Drink half of this mixture before going to bed and refrigerate the other half. Drink the other half early morning on an empty stomach and wait for half an hour to one hour before having any food after consuming this drink, for best results. If you do not wish to have this drink cold, early morning, keep it outside till it comes to room temperature and then drink it.

Caution: Drink lot of water during the day when you are having this cinnamon and honey drink as both cinnamon and honey are heaty by nature.

Cinnamon Tea bedtime Drink


  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ tsp cinnamon powder
  • ½ tsp nutmeg powder (optional)
  • Honey to taste


In a heating pot, add in the milk and bring it to a boil. Then, add in the cinnamon powder (and nutmeg powder, optional) and stir well and let it simmer for some time. Turn of the flame, add in honey to taste, stir well and it is ready to consume. READ MORE – ALOE TURMERIC SLEEPING MASK – clear, glowing and healthy skin

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