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Types of Oranges and How to use them
Oranges are a versatile ingredient. Be it using oranges to make juice, a marmalade, add it into a marinade, use the zest of an orange or even adding it into your Christmas fruit cake. But did you know that not any and every type of orange can be used for...
I’m sure when most of you read the title of this article; you’ll must have been rather perplexed, right? How can “healthy” and “oil” surface in one sentence? Well, oil has always been a kitchen condiment that has been considered “unhealthy” and fatty. But could it be that it...
TEA THERAPY -  learn to unlock the health benefits of tea
For all you coffee lovers out there, I’m sure you might not want to agree with this one – but a hot cup of tea, always works as therapy! Well, in fact, there is actually something called as tea therapy! Yes, it is just as it sounds – basically using...
15 best WINTER HACKS  To Keep You Safe And Cozy This winter
When winter sets in, all you feel like doing is turning your heater on or dawning your favorite sweater and sleeping all day on a cozy couch, right? Well, winter can do that to you! But when winter sets in, many winter-related things come in too – from the cold...
Fermented Ginger Garlic Honey
Are you someone who is prone to cough, cold, and flu? Well, looks like you need to buck up your immunity, and the best way to do that is by consuming ginger and adding it to your day-to-day diet. Check out this article for both instant cough, cold, and flu...
How to Make and Use Castor Oil Packs
Castor oil packing or the use of castor oil packs maybe something new and unheard of to many of you guys. But the reality is that this technique has been used since olden times for its therapeutic benefits and is renowned for its effectiveness when used. These castor oil...