The only reason markets are full of promising beauty products is because we all crave for that glowing, clear, healthy skin. However, be it health or skin, the miracle happens when you tend to it inside out, and not the other way round. Yes, your thoughts are in the right direction – nutritious food and healthy drinks!

It is no surprise that water is the universal elixir for a healthy body and skin! Drinking ample water will automatically take care of half of your beauty regime because water keeps your skin hydrated and protects it from wrinkles, flakiness, dryness, and skin disorders. So, doesn’t matter which miraculous product you apply, if you don’t drink adequate water, your skin will still appear dull and flat. Well, there is no denial that water is the number one drink for clear and healthy skin and you will notice the difference sooner than you expected!
With water as the default drink, let’s take a look at six more drinks that wonderfully uplifts your skin
Brighten skin
Benefits: Turmeric is a strong antioxidant that can decrease inflammation. It is an essential ingredient that help to brighten and even out their skin tone.
Recipe – To a cup, add turmeric powder, dash of pepper and few saffron strands. Pour in some hot water and let it steep for 2-3 mins before you sip on it warm. You can add honey if desired for sweetness.
Flavourful Detoxification
Benefits: This mix is highly beneficial for detoxification. Lemon is a natural detoxifier that removes toxins from your body and skin. Mint not only adds a refreshing flavour, but protects skin and body with its powerful anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties.
Ingredients: 1/2 lemon, 1 small cucumber finely sliced, handful of mint leaves, chia seeds and 1/2 cup water.
Recipe : Soak 2 tsp of chia seeds for 30 mins or overnight. Blend 1/2 cucumber with 1/2 cup cold water and mint. Pour the juice into a glass and squeeze in the lemon juice. Add in soaked chia seeds and enjoy.
Glowing Skin Antioxidant Drink
Benefits: This drink is all you need if your desire is for a glowing skin. It is a storehouse of antioxidants and vitamins as well as works as an anti-inflammatory too. Sipping it every morning will not only enhance your skin’s appearance, but also remove puffiness.
Ingredients: 3 tablespoons pomegranate seeds, 2 tbsp of hibiscus flower, and a jug of ice-cold filtered water.
Recipe : Add 1 tbsp. of hibiscus flower along with pomegranate seeds to a saucepan with 2 cups of water. Simmer on low for 5 mins and strain the seeds. Add in raw honey if desired and sip of it warm or add ice cubes for a cold brew. READ MORE- AYURVEDA BATH POWDER FOR CLEAR GLOWING SKIN
Vitamin C rich drink – brighten skin
Benefits: Sounds delicious right! This is the ultimate beauty drink that completely hydrates your body, skin, and hair, cleanses the body by removing toxins and makes way for a clearer complexion and healthier scalp.
Ingredients: 4-6 sliced kiwi or 2 fresh amla ( indian gooseberry) , half lemon, handful of basil, and 2 cup of ice cold filtered water.
Recipe : Add kiwi with fresh basil and juice of half lemon along with the water in a blender and blend on high. Strain and enjoy.
Clear acne – antioxidant drink
Benefits: Matcha powder contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, resveratrol, and tannins that have anti-aging benefits as it maintains collagen and elasticity of the skin. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of matcha combat free radicals, reduce inflammation and dark spots, and cleanses skin pores too. And all of these together gives way for a clear and younger looking skin.
Ingredients: matcha tea
Recipe : Simple whisk a teaspoon of matcha powder with hot water and pour it in a glass! Add vegan milk to it and few saffron strands. You can add in sweetener of your choice before you drink.
So, let’s work it inside out for a clear, healthy, and gorgeous skin!