Dry and dehydrated skin is usually caused by various factors like weather conditions, diet changes; lifestyle, food consumption, the skin products you use etc and these factors can result in your skin’s water content loss and it can make its appearance look less supple and dull.


Here are 6 different face masks you can use to rehydrate your skin and give it a glow:

Aloe vera sleeping mask – Aloe vera gel along with a face oil can give the skin an exquisite shine and lasting beauty. It keeps your skin healthy, radiant, supple and blemish-free skin. Aloe vera are widely known for their brightening and rejuvenating properties. Rosehip seed oil hass good antioxidants which helps protect the skin and can also inhibit melanin production and even out skin tone. The aloe vera gel can help soothe the sun and keep it moisturized.


  • 3 tbsp face oil
  • 2 tbsp aloe vera gel

Method: In a mixing bowl add in any face oil of your choice ( use non comedogenic face oils like rosehip oil, jojoba oil that is good for all skin types) and aloe vera gel. Mix well until you get a smooth face gel. Smooth the gel all over your face and massage it in. Leave it on overnight to nourish your skin.

Honey Mask – Honey acts as a natural hydrator, is anti-fungal in nature, can help removes scar, reduce and prevent acne breakouts and anti-aging properties. It also contains vitamin B6 which is essential for skin health and maintenance. Turmeric has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which can help protect the skin from damage.


  • 1 tsp honey
  • ¼ tsp turmeric


In a mixing bowl add in the honey and turmeric. Mix well until you get a smooth paste. Using a brush or your index finger, apply it all over your face and then leave it on for 20 minutes after application. Wash off  with water and dab your face dry with a towel.

Oat Mask : The bits of oats in this mixture can act as a natural exfoliating scrub and can help remove the dead skin cells and make way for the new cells to show up. Oats contains a compound called saponins, which are natural cleansers.


  • 2 tbsp oats
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ¼ cup of Rose water

Method: In a mixing bowl add in the oats, honey and rose water. Mix it well and once it is well blended, apply it on your face and gently rub using circular motions for around two to three minutes. Wash off with water and dab your face dry with a towel. READ MORE – BASIL SEEDS WATER for glowing skin and healthy hair

Papaya Mask – Papaya contains vitamin A which can help enhance the skin tone and can reduce wrinkles and pigmentation. The sour cream contains lactic acid present in it which can help naturally remove the dead cells from the skin and rejuvenate the cells and promote cell regeneration. The corn starch contains proteins which can act as an anti-aging agent and can promote the production of collagen, a skin protein.


  • ¼ cup of Papaya
  • 2 tsp sour cream

Method: In a mixing bowl add in the papaya and sour cream. Mix well until you get a smooth paste. Using a brush or your index finger, apply it all over your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash off with water and dab your face dry with a towel.


Yogurt Mask – Curd/yoghurt helps exfoliate the skin and keeps the skin moisturized. It can also keep wrinkles and fine lines away. Honey acts as an antioxidant and can protect the skin and even out the skin tone.


  • 2 tbsp curd/yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp raw honey

Method: In a mixing bowl add in the curd/yogurt and raw honey. Mix well until you get a smooth paste. Using a brush or your index finger, apply it all over your face and massage your face for two to three minutes using circular motions and then leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes after application. Wash off with water and dab your face dry with a towel.

Turmeric mask – Turmeric powder can help detoxify and exfoliate the skin, as it has cleansing and antibacterial properties which can remove off the dirt and impurities and also reduce acne breakouts. Aloe vera acts as a moisturizer and can keep your skin hydrated for a longer time. READ MORE – TURMERIC NIGHT SKIN GEL – WAKEUP TO CLEAR, HEALTHY AND GLOWING SKIN

Caution: Patch test before use. These face masks are for general skin types and if it causes any irritation on your skin during application or after, immediately rinse off with water and discontinue its usage.