Have you noticed that your cat is sleeping excessively or maybe refusing to eat? Is your cat showing signs of disorientation? Does it have changes in its breathing?
Well, from the smallest signs to the most obvious ones, here are some signs and symptoms you shouldn’t dismiss, as they could mean your cat is sick and needs medical attention as soon as possible.
Signs Your Cat Is Sick
1. Sleeping excessively
Sleeping excessively isn’t just a display of tiredness or indifference towards human interaction, but there might be something wrong that’s why it prefers to lay down and not move.
2. Temperature is over 103 degrees Fahrenheit
A cat’s normal temperature ranges from 99.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If your cat’s temperature goes higher than that, it has a fever.
3. Change in litter box habits
Watch its urination habits and take note of any strange or unusual behaviour she might be showing.
4. Loss of appetite
Cats can be sometimes demanding especially when it comes to meal time. So if your cat doesn’t eat for more than 24 hours, then it needs medical intervention.
5. Change in drinking behaviour
Your cat’s drinking pattern indicates whether or not she has certain types of infections like kidney disease, overactive thyroids, and even diabetes.
6. Drastic weight changes
If your cat keeps losing weight abnormally or is losing body condition, there’s a big chance that she is suffering from diabetes or hyperthyroidism, cancer in the belly, or heart disease.
7. Change in grooming habits
If you’ve noticed signs that your cat has become dull, messy, and dirty, it could mean that it is unwell.
8. Vomits many times during the day
If your cat rejects drinking water and then vomits, or vomits after drinking water, better have her checked.
9. Cases of diarrhea
If your cat has diarrhea and is also vomiting, blood or mucus in her stool, and it has become sluggish, make sure to visit the veterinarian.
10. Reduced energy levels
If your cat has become excessively lethargic, this could possibly mean that your cat is in pain, or is having fever and breathing problems.
11. Breathes quickly and shallowly
Quick-paced and shallow breathing should be a cause for concern because its abnormal for a cat to breathe that way. A cat’s normal respiratory rate is about 20 to 30 breaths per minute, and it goes lower when the cat is relaxed.
12. It is disoriented
In case you notice your cat getting clumsy or sometimes tilting its head to the side, and showing dizziness, then these can be a sign of some neurological problems or even ear infection.
13. Grows lumps on certain body areas
Most often, cat grooming is recommended from time to time, because when you groom your cat, you can check to see if there are any strange lumps growing on its body. Most abscesses are harmless however, if you feel like the lump’s a bit too soft, you need to have it checked.
14. Dilated eyes and has nose discharge
In case you’ve noticed your cat drinking water excessively is urinating very often (and has a dull discharge while urinating), in addition to showing lack of energy, this could be signs of a kidney failure.
15. Gums are discoloured
If you notice or observe any stain/s in your cat’s gums, then this could be a warning sign that your cat is sick. Also look out for signs of bad breath too.
16. Scratches excessively
If you have noticed that your cat is excessive scratching itself, this means your cat has fleas. Fleas can transmit diseases and can cause allergic reactions to both you and your cat.