ROSEMARY HAIR MASK for extreme hair growth

ROSEMARY HAIR MASK for extreme hair growth

Rosemary is one of the best herbs for faster and thicker hair growth. This herb is a one-stop solution for all your hair problems. Use this magical herb on your tresses and improve both your hair thickness and hair growth.

ROSEMARY HAIR MASK for extreme hair growth

Rosemary soothes & heals the scalp. It promotes thicker hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles and promoting healthy circulation. It also significantly improves the volume, texture, and overall health of the hair. READ MORE – Skin Clearing Face Mask -wakeup to clear healthy skin

ROSEMARY HAIR MASK for extreme hair growth

You will need –

  • Dried rosemary leaves
  • Castor oil or aloe vera gel
  • Peppermint Oil

Blend the dried rosemary leaves to a poweder. Strain the powder using a strainer and store it in a air tight glass container.

To make a hair mask – Add rosemary powder along with black castor oil and few drops of peppermint oil. If you don’t want to add oil to your hair then add fresh aloe vera gel from the plant. I like to use fresh aloe vera gel as I only shampoo once a week so I just make my hair mask that is easy to rinse off with just water.

Apply the mask to your hair and scalp and leave it on for an hour. If you use aloe vera, you can simply rinse the mask off with plain water and then use a conditioner or a hair rinse but you need to make the hair mask fresh each time you use it. If you using oil to make the mask then store the mask in an airtight container for up to a month. Massage the oil on your hair and scalp for a few mins and leave it on for an hour or overnight. Wash it off with a mild shampoo or a hair wash powder – READ MORE – HAIR GROWTH POWDER RECIPE