Are you a frequent Gatorade, Prime or Red Bull drinker to rev up your energy when your levels are down? Well, how about switch to natural energy drinks instead! They are natural, so they are healthy!

Natural Energy Drinks

From green tea, to bone broth, to matcha, to yerba mate, let’s talk about the different natural energy drinks you can consume!

9 Natural Energy Drinks

1. Green Tea green tea helps to provide a small amount of energy that may give you a tiny boost to your day. 


1 cup of water

2 green tea bags
(Or 1½ to 2 tsp green tea powder or tea leaves)

Honey (optional)


In a heating pot, add in one cup of water and once the water is heated, add in the tea bags or tea powder.  Let it come to a boil and then let it simmer for 2 to 3 minutes before turning off the flame. Strain and add in honey for sweetening (optional).

2. Bulletproof Coffee –  When butter is added to your coffee, it causes to digest more slowly making the stimulant effects of coffee to last longer so that you stay energized throughout the day.


1 cup water

1 tsp ground coffee powder

1-2 tbsp unsalted butter
(Or preferably grass-fed butter)

1 tsp thick coconut oil


Into a heating pot, add in one cup of water and once it begins to heat, add in the ground coffee powder and let it come to a boil and then lower the flame and let it simmer for 2 to 4 minutes. Strain this into a cup and let it sit until slightly cool.

Then, add the butter and coconut oil with half the quantity of the black coffee into a mixer blender and let it blend until the mixer gets frothy. Then, add in the rest of the black coffee, give it a quick blend, pour into a cup and it is ready to consume.

3. Yerba Mate –  can boost energy and also help improve mental focus.


1 cup water

2 yerba mate tea bags

Honey to taste


In a heating pot, add in one cup of water and once the water is heated, add in the tea bags. Let it come to a boil and then let it simmer for 2 to 3 minutes before turning off the flame. Strain and add in honey for sweetening (optional). Then, you can consume as is or refrigerate and consume it chilled.

4. Dandelion Coffee – Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and iron, it provides a natural boost to your overall well-being. 


1 tbsp dandelion root powder

½ stick of cinnamon
(Or ¼ tsp cinnamon powder)

½ tsp fennel seeds

1 cup water

Honey to taste (optional)


Into a heating pot, add in the dandelion root powder, the cinnamon stick and the fennel seeds. To it, add in the water and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer covered for 2 to 3 minutes. Strain and its ready to consume. Add in some honey to taste, optionally.

5. Bone Broth – Bone broth provides lasting energy without the coffee jitters, thanks to an amino acid called glycine.


1 kg bones (with less meat on them)
(Of beef, lamb or chicken)

1 carrot (chopped)

1 small onion (chopped)

10 pods of garlic (chopped)

2 stalks of celery (chopped)

1 bay leaf

10 black peppercorns

1 star anise

½ cinnamon stick

½ tbsp apple cider vinegar

4 cups water

Salt to taste


Into a pot, add in all the ingredients, along with the bones (cleaned and washed) and the water and some salt to taste and let it come to a boil. Thereafter, cover and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes or until you see that the meat covering the bones has cooked). Turn off the heat, let it cool. Strain into a container; pour into a cup and its ready to consume.

Note: You can remove the meat from the bones and add it into the bone broth for extra flavour.

6. Matcha Latte – Enhanced physical endurance and sustained-long lasting energy, while at the same time relaxes your mind.


¼ cup cold water

¾ cup cold milk

1 tsp matcha

Maple syrup or honey (to taste)

4 to 6 ice cubes


Into a bowl, mix the matcha powder well with the water, until frothy. Then, add in the maple syrup or honey to taste. Continue to whisk for a few minutes. You can also use a Chasen (matcha whisk). Then, into a glass, add in the ice cubes, pour in the matcha mixture and then top it up with the cold milk. Give it a stir and then consume.

7. Green Juice – This beverage is a rich source of numerous nutrients and plant compounds that support heart health, digestion, and immunity.


½ bunch of kale

½ handful of parsley

¼ of a cucumber

½ an apple

2 stalks of celery

½ inch piece of ginger


Into a blender, chop up add in all the ingredients (after they are cleaned and washed). Then blend until it becomes a smooth liquid. Strain into a glass and consume.

8. Earl Grey Tea – From giving you an energy boost to helping your heart beat stronger.


1 Earl Grey tea bag

1 hot water

¼ tsp vanilla extract

¼ cup milk of choice

Honey to taste


Into a cup of boiling hot water, add in the tea bag and let it steep for 5 minutes. While the tea is steeping, separately warm up the milk and add in the vanilla and honey to taste.

After 5 minutes, remove the tea bag, add in the milk, stir and consume.

9. Coconut Water – has rich in minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants that help to boost your energy level instantly.

For coconut water, you will need to crack open a tender coconut and consume that water. Avoid buying store-bought bottled tender coconut juice. If there is coconut pulp inside the tender coconut, you can also consume it.

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