We often consume oats for breakfast because of how healthy and nutritious it is for our health. But, did you also know that this oats can also benefita your skin?

Well, in this article, I will give you guys a super simple and easy oats breakfast bowl recipe that you can make at home, with just a few ingredients and it can benefit the health of your skin like never before! Check out the benefits along with the recipe below.


Benefits of the ingredients used in this recipe:

This recipe contains two main ingredients – oats and moringa powder.

Here are their benefits:


  • Oats is high in its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can help keep the skin clear and also treat acne successfully by reducing the excess oil on the skin. Oats contains the compounds saponins that act has natural cleansing agents for the skin and can promote a healthy and glowing skin.
  • Oats can also help promote the production of the substance collagen in the skin. This collagen is very essential because it forms the structure of the skin and keeps our skin away from ageing and damage.

Moringa or matcha powder:

  • Moringa powder (also known as the powder made from the leaves of the drumstick plant) is one that can help slow down the signs of ageing on the skin like wrinkles and fine lines. It is extremely rejuvenating to the skin and can also help reduce skin dryness. It can help promote a very healthy glow to the skin and increase skin radiance. It is an ingredient that can help and work on all skin types.
  • Matcha is rich in antioxidants and can help prevent free radical damage to the skin. This powder is rich in oleic acid and also amino acids, which help keep the skin moisturized and away from dryness. It can also help revive skin that has become dull, by lightening dark spots and pigmentation. It can also help keep the skin away from moisture loss and also fight acne.

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  • Oats – 1/2 cup
  • Moringa or matcha powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
  • chia seeds – 1 tsp
  • Salt – pinch
  • Cashewnuts, Raisins and Water
  • Chopped fruit of choice


Into a cereal bowl, add in the oats, along with the moringa powder and a pinch of salt to taste. Then set this aside.

Next, into a mixer blender, add in the cashew nuts and raisins along with some water and blend until it becomes a smooth liquid. This becomes into cashew nut-raisin milk.

After this step, into the cereal bowl which you had set aside, pour in this cashew nut-raisin milk and give it a good mix. Then, leave it in the refrigerator overnight (or for at least 3 to 4 hours).

Thereafter, give it a mix and it is ready to consume. You can top it up with any chopped fruits of your choice.


  • You can substitute raisins with dates if you wish to get a different flavour for the milk.
  • You can use any other milk of your choice in substitution for the cashewnut-raisin milk in this recipe.
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