Hair fall and reduced hair growth are two common problems many people face in the present day. I’m sure there are many of you out there who keep trying all sorts of commercial products to help resolve these problems but to no avail.

2 Ingredient Hair Gel for Hair Growth

Well, how about try out this super simple, yet very effective two-ingredient all-natural hair gel to help increase hair growth and reduce hair fall!

While it is really effective, it is super easy to make at home! Check out how to do so, below.

Benefits of using this two-ingredient hair growth gel:

This gel contains two main ingredients – aloe vera gel and black seed oil, along with one other optional yet effective and highly recommended ingredient, rosemary essential oil.

Here are the benefits of these ingredients for the hair:

Benefits of aloe vera gel:

Aloe vera is rich in vitamins and can contribute to cell turnover (a natural process that involves the constant shedding of dead skin cells and the replacement of it with younger skin cells, over a period of time) and promote healthy cell growth in turn promoting hair growth. Aloe vera gel can help promote hair growth as it helps cleanse and nourish the scalp and can help reduce hair breakage and stimulate the hair follicles to promote hair growth.

Aloe vera can penetrate into the hair follicles and can condition and improve dry and damaged hair. It can control greasy hair, as aloe vera has enzymes and properties that can break down fats and strip away the extra oil (sebum) from the hair.

Benefits of black seed oil:

Black seed oil is rich in nutrients which can help provide nourishment to the hair follicles in turn restoring hair growth. Black seed oil contains omega-3s which helps in increasing the blood circulation in the scalp in turn promoting hair growth and reducing hair fall. Any disruption in the hair growth cycle can cause hair to fall. Black seed oil can help regulate any imbalances in the hair growth cycle and activate the hair follicles to promote proper hair growth.

Black seed oil can help normalize the sebum (oil) production in the scalp and can help ensure that the scalp and hair is well-conditioned and not too greasy at the same time. The amino acids in the black seed oil can help moisturize the hair shaft and reduce frizz, making the hair more manageable and prevent hair damage.

Benefits of rosemary essential oil:

Rosemary helps promote hair growth by healing the damaged hair follicles (by helping heal damaged nerve endings and tissues) as it contains ‘carnosic acid’. This property of rosemary essential oil can heal nerve endings and could possibly stimulate rejuvenation of hair follicles, in turn restoring hair growth.

Scalp infections also can be a reason for hair loss. Therefore, the properties of anti-inflammation in rosemary essential oil can help prevent and treat scalp conditions and reduce hair fall. Proper blood circulation is of utmost importance because when the blood flows to the scalp it can stimulate hair follicle growth. Rosemary essential oil also helps promote better blood circulation in the scalp, in turn stimulating hair growth.

How to make this two-ingredient hair growth gel at home?


Aloe vera gel – 4 tbsp

Black seed oil – 1 tsp

Rosemary essential oil – few drops


Into a small mixing bowl, add in the aloe vera gel, black seed oil and a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Give it a good mix until it emulsifies and the color changes into a creamy white shade.

Then transfer the ready natural hair gel into a storage container and it is ready to use.

To use:

Wash your hair like you normally would, shampoo and condition it as usual. Once you’re done with your hair wash process, using a towel remove the excess water from your hair until it is damp.

Then, apply a little of this natural hair gel on your damp hair and leave it in. you do not need to wash it off. You can also use a small amount to massage your scalp before bedtime.

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