14 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are a menace! Well, if you’re someone who’s facing this menace daily and has tried all the possible methods to get rid of mosquitoes from coils to vaporizers, to sprays, to repellent creams, you name it, you’ve tried it; then this read is for you. We’ll be talking about...
10 Types of Black Flowers
When we think of flowers, we only think of colors. Red, pink, yellow, orange, white, peach and the list of colors go on, when it comes to the colors of flowers. But did you know that flowers come in the color black as well and look just as beautiful? Yes,...
Guide to Plant Lighting
From pothos, to ZZ plants, to anthuriums, crotons and more, many of us love having plants at home. The very thought of some greenery around the place, makes us feel refreshed and relaxed. Greenery is soothing to both the mind and the body. So, moving on, I’m sure there are...
10 Healing Indoor Plants You Must Have At Home
Do you love plants or just greenery in general? Trust me, there’s nothing better and more soothing than greenery in and around your house or anywhere you go. It gives one a sense of peace and tranquility. But apart from just the sense of soothing, did you also know that...
Learn all types of plant deficiencies  and how to fix them
If you’re a plant lover and off-late you’ve noticed some of your previously healthy plants, have their leaves turning yellowish brown. Well, I’m sure that would be rather unsettling for you to see and will get you wondering why, right? Is it because of the lack or excess of sunlight?...