10 Natural Cleaning Ingredients that Can Clean (Almost) Anything 

10 Natural Cleaning Ingredients that Can Clean (Almost) Anything 

Most often, we invest in expensive store-bought and commercially sold cleaners to clean our homes and everything in and around it. Well, did you know that you hardly even need these cleaners because there are so many natural cleaning ingredients you could use that can literally have the same effects!

So, if you didn’t know, we are here to tell you! Check out this article to know more about 10 best natural ingredients you can use to clean your home and everything within!


10 Best Natural Cleaning Ingredients

1. White Vinegar

White vinegar is one of the most commonly used natural cleaning ingredients because it can be used for almost all aspects of cleaning. It can be used to get rid of wax and mineral buildup, for deodorizing things and much more like stain removal and as a cleaning aid.

To use – Fill a plastic bag with vinegar and fix it around your showerhead to deep clean the showerhead. Make a surface cleaner, fill a spray bottle with vinegar diluted in water in equal parts and add a citrus fruit peel there. Let it brew for 2 weeks before using it. Use it on kitchen tops, appliances, and also spray the mixture on the blinds and wipe them clean.
Simply pour in 1/4 cup of white vinegar to the fabric softener dispenser. The vinegar will not only act as a fabric softener but it will keep your washing machine smelling fresh and clean!
For burnt pans – Add equal parts of vinegar and water on the burnt pan and bring it to a boil. Take off the heat and remove the vinegar water. Cover the burnt area with 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and add a bit of water to make a paste. Crumple up some aluminum foil and scrub until all food bits and stained areas are clean. Rinse pan with warm soapy water. 

For a floor cleaner – Combine 3 gallons of hot water, 1 cup of white vinegar, 1 tbsp of dish soap and mop away. Use 1/2 cup of castile soap to us as a laundry detergent.

2. Borax

Borax is a white compound that occurs naturally as a mineral in some salt deposits. It is known to be an alkaline mineral, that can be used to soften water, from hard water. Soft water is very essential to clean any surfaces and also to lift odors, stains etc., thus making it a very good natural cleaning agent.

If borax is diluted in water, it can even be used for laundry, to clean your counters, to disinfect areas, to deodorize areas etc.

3. Castile Soap

Castile soap is a vegetable-based soap which is made without the use of any animal fats or any other synthetic ingredients. It is completely non-toxic and it is also biodegradable as well.

Castile soap is a very effective natural cleaning agent, for almost all surfaces to get a bright and sparkly finish. But it is essential to remember that you should never ever use castile soap on any wooden furniture or flooring, as it can break down the wax in them, causing it to get damaged. It works as a very gentle cleanser and can be substitute as any other all-purpose cleanser.

To use – Make a toilet scrub using – 4 cups water, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 cup castile soap and few drops of lemon essential oil ( optional). Pour this into the toilet, leave it for 30 mins before you rinse off.

Make a mixture of – 1 tablespoon of castile soap, 1 cups of water and 20 drops of your favorite essential oil and pour this on the wipes too make a natural cleaning wipes.

4. Cornstarch

Cornstarch is nothing but corn flour, which is actually finely, ground maize flour. Cornstarch makes for a very good totally non-abrasive agent to scrub and clean any surfaces. You can simply mix it with a little water, make a thick paste of it and it’s ready to use.

From cleaning surfaces like floors, kitchen tops and other countertops (in bathrooms etc), to cleaning pots and pans, to remove food stains and much more, cornstarch can be used.

5. Lemon

Lemon is known to be a great natural cleaning agent, while it can also help disinfect and deodorize any area because of its citrus smell. The citric acid in lemons work as natural antibacterial and also antiseptic agents to kill bacteria, fungus, mildew etc,.

To use – Remove stains and make the surfaces shine by simply rubbing them with a piece of fresh lemon. Mix lemon juice with baking soda to make a paste to clean and disinfect cutting board. Mix 1/2 cup olive oil with 1/4 cup of lemon juice to use it as a natural furniture polish. Simply dip a soft cloth in the mixture and buff the furniture.

6. Essential Oils

Essential oils are all very potent and highly concentrated in nature. They have natural antifungal and also anti-bacterial properties that can help disinfect and keep surfaces clean.

The natural fragrance of any essential oil is very pure and sweet smelling and can deodorize any area. Mixing a few drops of essential oil with some warm water can also help act as a cleaning agent to get rid of tough dirt stains. READ MORE – LIST OF TOP ESSENTIAL OILS TO GET RID OF BUGS

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To use – Add witch hazel to spray bottle and top with water until almost full. Add in few drops of essential oils like lavender and lemon essential oil. Use this spray to refresh and disinfect yoga mat.
Deep clean mattress – Mix baking soda with few drops of lavender essential oil, sprinkle it on the mattress using a strainer, leave it on for few hours and vacuum it to refresh the mattress.

7. Vegetable Glycerin

Vegetable glycerin is made by heating vegetable fats under pressure to form a liquid. It is a natural solvent in nature and thus, it can be used as a cleaning agent and also for stain removal as well. Using glycerin on tough stains can help soften them naturally and get rid of them.

8. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a yet another very popular and frequently used natural cleaning agent and is often used by mixing it with water or with white vinegar. It is naturally abrasive in nature and can help get rid of tough stains. It can also help absorb moisture and can also serve as a natural deodorizing agent as well. Similar to borax, it can also help soften hard water too.

To use – Use 1/2 cup of baking soda, followed by 1 cup of hot water down the drain to unclog it. Use half a cup of baking soda as a laundry detergent to refresh the cloths or towels. For the rinse cycle, add 1/2 cup of vinegar to kill bacteria and soften the fabric.

For pillows – Take a clean cotton or terry towel, dip it into hydrogen peroxide and spot clean any deep stains. Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your regular laundry detergent and wash the pillows. Place your pillows in the dryer on the air dryer or low heat setting or place them in any sunny place ( indirect sunlight) for few hours for soft and fluffy pillows.

To clean the produce-  In a mixing bowl, add 1 teaspoon baking soda to every 2 cups cold water. If your produce is on a vine, such as tomatoes, or leafy like a head of lettuce, separate the produce and remove all vines and outer leaves. Submerge the fruit or vegetables in the baking soda water. Let soak for 12 to 15 minutes.

Turmeric stains – apply a paste of baking soda and water to the blender jar or plastic containers with turmeric stains. keep the blender jar out in the sun for few hours before you wash it off.

Use the paste of equal parts of baking soda and coconut oil on the labels and let it dry overnight to easily remove sticky labels from the jar.

Clean white shoes – Mix 1 tbsp baking soda and 2 tbsp dish soap to make a mixture. Dip a clean toothbrush into the mixture and use it to scrub the dirt on your shoes. Wipe it with a damp cloth and dry it in a sunny place

9. Hydrogen peroxide –

Use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect your fridge or dishwasher. This is a natural disinfectant.

To use – Dilute hydrogen peroxide in warm water in 1:1 ratio. Put your dishwash sponges in there for 10 minutes. Rinse them thoroughly after to disinfect it. Use it directly on blood stains. Use hydrogen peroxide to whiten shower tiles or bleach your floor. Spray hydrogen peroxide on dry tiles and leave for a few hours before you rinse it off.

To remove stains –

Add 1 part Dawn dish soap or castile soap and 2 parts 3% hydrogen peroxide to a measuring cup and stir to mix. Pour the mixture into to a dark-colored spray bottle and store in a dark place. Spray it on the stain until the area is completely saturated.

10. Salt – use it for an all-natural, cost-efficient way to keep your home clean. 

Polish copper or brass: Dip sliced lemon with salt and rub the paste on the metal and let sit for an hour; then clean with a soft cloth for a new shine.
Clean Cast iron – Wipe off the oil or food residue with a paper towel. If you have any food stuck to the pan, add water to the pan and bring it to a boil. Remove the water and pour in some salt. Gently scrub the pan with the salt and a brush. Rinse off and season with oil.

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