If you are someone who lives in a tropical city and enjoys this super delicious king of fruits, rich in nutrients, with a delicious flavour and enticing fragrance – the mango, then here’s an article just for you!

I’m sure you’ve heard of this age-old tale that states that mangoes should be soaked in water before it’s eaten. However, in the present day, with loads of information found over the internet, it is hard to tell the difference between real and fake information.


Well, if you have heard this information about soaking mangoes in water before you eat them, then you’ve heard right. But do you know why? Go ahead and keep reading to get your answers!

Here’s why you should soak mangoes in water before eating them:

The first and most obvious reason is because of the chemicals the skin of the mango contains (unless the mango is home-grown). It is a widely known fact that mangoes are sprayed with pesticides and insecticides in order to keep the fruit intact and away from worms, insects and rodents. But these chemical sprays are very harmful for the human body. It can cause a number of issues like breathing difficulties, allergies, vomiting etc. Therefore, soaking the mangoes in water can help get rid of at least some of these harmful chemicals.

Mangoes are extremely heaty in nature and can cause acne breakouts in many people because it raises the temperature of the body once consumed. This leads to a condition called ‘thermogenesis’ in the body, which means that heat is generated in the body as a direct effect from the food consumed.

If you eat a lot of mango, you can find yourself having two problems – headaches or constipation. Well, just like it has been explained in the previous point, the body goes through thermogenesis once the mango has been eaten. This raises the body temperature leading to a headache or resulting in constipation. READ MORE – Amla Juice to boost immunity, brighten skin, stop hair fall and more

Mangoes contain a substance called ‘phytic acid’. This substance is commonly found in foods that are plant-based. While phytic acid may help the body (as it has antioxidant properties that can help fight away and ward off diseases, while it also acts as an insulin resistor in the body), it can also have its share of side-effects. One main side-effect of consuming phytic acid is that it will not allow the body to absorb iron, calcium, zinc and other such minerals that are essential for the body in order to stop mineral deficiencies. So therefore, when the mangoes are soaked in water, it will help get rid of the excess phytic acid present in the mango.

How long should you soak mangoes in water before eating them?

Well, Science recommends that mangoes should have been soaked in water for at least 2 to 3 hours before they are eaten, in order to reap the best benefits. Make sure that the mangoes are completely submerged in the water when it’s being soaked.

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