General Living Spaces
1. Run a floor vacuum
2. Use a hand vacuum
3. Sweep the floor
4. Change a lightbulb
5. Change batteries
6. Test batteries
7. Light a match
8. Water houseplants
9. Hang up coats and backpacks
10. Put away shoes
11. Recycle magazines and newspapers
12. Add events to family calendar
13. Open, close, and lock windows
14. Stow an emergency house key
15. Check that stove burners are off
16. Use a fire extinguisher
17. Locate smoke detectors
Kitchen + Dining
18. Turn on a gas range burner
19. Operate the microwave oven
20. Operate the toaster
21. Crack an egg
22. Fry an egg
23. Scramble an egg
24. Make pasta
25. Make a salad
26. Make a toasted cheese sandwich
27. Make a smoothie
28. Grate cheese
29. Cut/slice soft fruits and vegetables
30. Peel carrots or potatoes
31. Boil water for tea
32. Refill the ice cube tray
33. Identify freezer burn
34. Find ingredients in the pantry
35. Use a kitchen scale
36. Make school lunch
37. Empty/clean out a lunchbox
38. Wipe down a shelf in the refrigerator
39. Collect trash around the house
40. Replace trash bags
41. Add to a grocery list
42. Check food expiration dates
43. Put new food items behind old ones
44. Add to a composter
45. Load the dishwasher
46. Start the dishwasher
47. Empty the dishwasher
48. Set the table
49. Clear the table
50. Wrap and store dinner leftovers
51. Make the bed
52. Change sheets and pillowcases
53. Put away laundry
54. Tidy bookshelves/dresser
55. Fix loose toilet lift chain
56. Scrub a toilet
57. Plunge a toilet
58. Wipe down the bathroom countertop
59. Hang folded bathroom towels
60. Replace the toilet paper
61. Replace bath soap and shampoo
62. Add soap to refillable soap bottles
63. Wipe down the bathroom mirror
64. Start the washing machine
65. Start the dryer
66. Use a home dry cleaning kit
67. Sew on a button
68. Use an iron
69. Fold towels
70. Fold sheets
71. Hang delicate clothes to air dry
72. Address + stamp an envelope
73. Refill a stapler
74. Refill paper in a printer
75. Replace toner in a printer
76. Clean out a bird cage
77. Clean out a litter box
78. Refresh a pet’s food and water
79. Pick up + dispose of dog poop
80. Brush the dog
81. Bathe the dog
Out in the world
82. Identify route landmarks
83. Put air in a bike tire
84. Navigate crosswalks
85. Hail a taxi
86. Protect personal items in a crowd
87. Mail letters
88. Read labels at the grocery store
89. Compare prices at the grocery store
90. Bag groceries
91. Order from a menu
92. Leave a tip
93. Check books out at the library
94. Read a bus/train schedule
95. Buy bus/train fare
96. Trade in coins for cash at the bank
97. Deposit a check at the bank
98. Operate an ATM
99. Use a debit card
100. Vote