Eggs are one of the most popularly eaten foods all over the world. Be it in the form of a boiled egg to go with your ramen bowl or a sunny-side up to go with bacon for breakfast, eggs are a common favourite to many.

Egg Dishes From Around the World

But did you know that in different countries, eggs are made/cooked differently? From the Japanese Tamagoyaki, to the Filipino Tortang Talong, let’s talk about different egg dishes from around the world!

Different Egg Dishes From Around the World

1. Turkish Menemen

Turkish Menemen is a hot/spicy mix of eggs, scrambled along with tomatoes, peppers, and spices. It is a traditional egg dish made for breakfast.

2. Chinese Century Eggs

Chinese century eggs are very popular because this dish consists of eggs (duck, chicken or quail eggs) that are preserved for weeks or sometimes even months, in a mixture salt, ash, lime, rice hulls and clay.

3. Thai Khai Yat Sai

This dish is basically an omelette that is fluffy and stuffed with herbs and minced pork. For flavouring, chives, tomatoes, coriander leaves, oyster sauce, fish sauce etc., along with bird’s eye chillies are added.

4. Scottish Scotch Eggs

Scottish scotch eggs are hard-boiled eggs that are wrapped in sausage meat and thereafter rolled in breadcrumbs and fried until crispy. These eggs have just the right amount of slightly runny yolk.

5. Tunisian Chakchouka

Tunisian chakchouka is made with eggs that are simmered, sunny side up, over a tomato-based sauce, that is customized (liquidy or thick). You can serve it with pita bread or any other bread of choice.

6. Italian Deviled Eggs

Italian deviled eggs are boiled eggs which are seasoned with spicy sauces. Sometimes, the yolks are removed and mixed with mayonnaise or mustard and a variety of herbs and spices, chives etc and then stuffed back into the yolk cavity.

7. Korean Gyeran Jjim

This dish is a steamed egg custard that is served as a side dish, whenever there are any rich meat dishes on the table. The steamed egg custard is airy and thus makes it pair well with dense and heavy meat dishes.

8. Japanese Tamagoyaki

Japanese tamagoyaki is anomelette which is made by rolling together several layers of fried beaten eggs. Each layer is made very thin. Thereafter once sliced, you can achieve a spiral pattern.

9. Indian Egg Curry

Indian egg curry is a gravy dish that is made with hard-boiled eggs. The hard-boiled eggs are tossed into a flavourful gravy which is made from pureed tomatoes, fried onions and spice powders for flavouring.

10. French Oeufs Cocotte

French oeufs cocottes are eggs that are individually slow-cooked or baked in a flat-bottomed dish or ramekin, in a water bath.

11. American Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict is a very common dish served for breakfast or brunch as well. Toasted halves of an English muffin are topped with a slice of ham or bacon, a poached egg, and hollandaise sauce.

12. Filipino Tortang Talong and Tokneneng

Filipino Tortang talong are pan-fried whole eggplants that are dipped into an egg mixture. This is one of the popular egg dishes in the Philippines.

Also, they make a dish called Tokneneng, another popular egg dish in the Philippines, also known as kwek kwek. It is basically hard-boiled, battered and deep-fried eggs, for a crispy snack.

13. Mexican Huevos Divorciados

This dish is also called as “divorced eggs”. It is basically fried eggs that are plated side by side, on the same plate, but are separated with a barrier of some mixed beans are is served with a corn tortilla.

14. Spanish Tortilla De Patatas

This dish is a thick, pan-fried omelette, that is topped with onions and diced potatoes. Sometimes, this dish is also topped with other ingredients like fresh vegetables and fried meat of choice.

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