There are times when we crave a certain dish or baked goodie and realize one of the main ingredients is not in our pantry – butter!

Best Ways to Substitute Butter in Cooking and Baking

Well, the good thing about butter is that there are many substitutes that can be used in place of it, with the exact same recipe or maybe with a few alterations. In this article, I’ll let you in on some tips on the best ways to substitute butter in cooking and baking.

Best Ingredients to Substitute Butter in Cooking and Baking:

1. Margarine

Margaine is a very commonly used substitute for butter and can be substituted in the ratio 1:1. Therefore, if your recipe requires you to add 1 cup of butter, you can substitute it with 1 cup of margarine.

Where to use it – Margaine can be used as a substitute for butter in cookies, pie crusts, cakes and also in any savoury dishes.

2. Silken Tofu

Silken tofu can be used instead of butter if you want a dairy-free substitute. You can replace the silken tofu in place of the butter in the ratio ½:1, wherein ½ cup butter will equal 1 cup of silken tofu.

Where to use it – Silken tofu can be used as a substitute for butter in cakes, muffins, bread and some types of cookies.

3. Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil is one of the most commonly used substitutes for butter. It can be substituted with butter as 1 cup butter = ¾ cup oil.

Where to use it – Vegetable oil can be used as a substitute for butter in cakes, muffins and bread. It can also be added in savoury dishes in place of butter.

4. Greek Yogurt

To substitute Grek yogurt with butter in any recipe, if the recipe requires you to add ½ cup of butter, then you can substitute it with ½ a cup of Greek yogurt.

if the recipe requires you to add more than ½ a cup of butter, then add in ½ the quantity of Greek yogurt. For example, 1 cup butter = ½ cup Greek yogurt.

Where to use it – Greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for butter in cakes, muffins, pancakes and bread.

5. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is nothing but 1 cup of milk, mixed with 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice. Once it curdles, it is ready to use (this should take 10 to 15 minutes).

To substitute with butter – ½ cup buttermilk (homemade) = 1 cup of butter.

Where to use it – Buttermilk can be used as a substitute for butter in cakes, pancakes, bread and muffins.

6. Mashed Banana

Mashed banana is got from overripe bananas and they make for a great substitute for butter and can be replaced for butter in any recipe in the ratio 1:1, 1 cup butter = 1 cup mashed banana.

But do note that you may have to reduce the quantity of sugar you are adding in your recipe, as mashed bananas are very sweet.

Where to use it – Mashed banana can be used as a substitute for butter in cakes, bread, muffins and pancakes.

7. Shortening

Shortening can be substituted with butter in any recipe in the ratio 1:1, 1 cup butter = 1 cup shortening.

Where to use it – Shortening can be used as a substitute for butter in cookies, frostings and pie crusts. You can also use shortening instead of butter for cooking, frying, sautéing etc.

8. Nut Butter

Nut butters like coconut butter, peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter etc., can be substituted with butter by adding ½ cup nut butter + ½ cup oil = 1 cup butter.

Where to use it – Nut butter can be used as a substitute for butter in cookies, spreads, smoothies, sauces and bars.

9. Homemade Cream Butter

Homemade cream butter is basically the cream that forms on the surface of boiled milk, which is collected and kept aside frozen until it requires to be used. This is homemade cream butter and can be substituted in the ratio 1 cup of butter = 1¼ cup of homemade cream butter.

Where to use it – Heavy cream or homemade butter can be used as a substitute for butter in cakes, muffins and in white pasta sauce.

10. Sour Cream

Since sour cream has a tangy flavour, you will need to substitute it with butter in the ratio ½:1, wherein ½ a cup of sour cream will equal 1 cup of butter.

Where to use it – Sour cream can be used as a substitute for butter in cakes, bread, muffins, pancakes and savoury sauces.

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