Aloe Vera gel in a well know ingredient due to its amazing hair and skin benefits. It is a simple, yet magical skincare ingredient, which helps to hydrate, moisturizing your skin and also has healing and anti-aging properties. It is one of the safest herbs that you can be easily included in your beauty routine to treat any skin problems naturally.

Here are few ways to use Aloe Vera as the primary ingredient to treat various skin problems. Each one has been tailor-made to meet the requirements of various skin types. Read on!
Aloe Vera for Dry Skin: Aloe along with honey moisturizes and heals dry skin. Since all the ingredients are soft on the skin, you can easily incorporate them even if you have sensitive skin.
Ingredients – Aloe vera – 2 Tbsp and Honey – 1 tsp
Method: In a medium-sized mixing bowl, add honey and aloe gel. Mix mixture well to make a smooth paste. Cleanse your face and apply the mask evenly. Wait for 30 minutes before washing with lukewarm water.
Aloe vera for clogged pores: Treat clogged pores, detox and also purify the skin. This aloe remedy is great for acne, closed comedones, whiteheads and blackheads.
Ingredients – Aloe vera – 1 Tbsp, Bentonite Clay – 1 Tbsp and Apple cider Vinegar – 1 Tbsp
Method: In a ceramic or glass bowl, add bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar. Mix and add in enough aloe gel to make a spreadable paste. Apply an even layer on facial skin and rinse off after 10-15 mins.
Aloe Vera for Acne-prone Skin: Aloe vera along with tea tree oil has amazing acne-fighting properties that helps to prevent and treat acne.
Ingredients – Aloe vera – 2 Tbsp and tea tree oil – 2-3 drops
Method : Take two tbsp. of fresh aloe Vera gel and mix it with tea tree oil. Apply it for 20-30 every day or you can also keep it overnight for better results. You will notice clear, blemish-free skin after using it regularly.
Aloe Vera for Oily Skin: Get rid of excess oil to control oily skin with this aloe-turmeric mask.
Ingredients – Aloe vera – 2 Tbsp and Organic Turmeric – 1/2 tsp
Method: Add turmeric powder or few drops of turmeric essential oil to a small mixing bowl along with aloe gel. Apply on cleansed face in gentle circular and upward motion. Leave on for twenty minutes or overnight and rinse off with cool water. Dab dry and apply a little moisturizer and leave on.
Aloe vera for pigmentation – Moisturizes skin, delays fine lines and keeps skin glowing and looking youthful. Tightens skin and helps you age gracefully.
Ingredients – Aloe vera – 2 Tbsp, Tomato Juice – 1 Tbsp and Organic Turmeric – 1/2 tsp
In a bowl, add all the ingredients. Mix it well and apply a thick layer all over facial skin and neck. Massage for a few minutes and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing off.