Juice cures dates back to the ancient past, the time when home remedies were the go-to cures for most ailments and health issues. Juice cures treat these ailments or health issues just by drinking juices made from raw fruits and vegetables. This was also known as ‘Raw Juice Therapy’.

Juice cure or raw juice therapy increases the eliminative and cleansing property of our organs and it can help flush out all the toxins and waste from the body. It can help rejuvenate and detoxify the body, boost body immunity, restore good health and also be a cure to various ailments and health problems.

Immunity boosting juice

Here are some juice cure DIY recipes you can make at home:

1. Immunity: A juice that is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium etc, which can help boost the immune system functioning. It is rich in antioxidants and also has anti-inflammatory properties.


1 orange
1/2 inch ginger
1/2 carrot
1/2 inch fresh turmeric
Pinch of pepper


Wash the carrot properly and remove the skin. Add carrot, orange, fresh turmeric and ginger, to your juicer. Pour this into a glass and add in lemon juice if you wish to and stir well. It is then ready to consume.

2. Hair fall:

This juice is rich in vitamin C and can stimulate better hair growth as it encourages absorption of iron. It also contain a compound called silica that can prevent alopecia. The folic acid, vitamin B5 and vitamin B6 in this juice can help prevent hair loss.


1 amla
1/4 cup beetroot
5-6 curry leaves
1/2 inch ginger
salt and pepper
½ cup water


Wash the amla well and chop into 2 or 4 pieces. Add in the water, chopped amla, ginger and blend it until it becomes a smooth and fine liquid. Pout this into a glass and add in the salt and pepper you wish to. Stir well and it is ready to consume.

Tip: You can use cold water instead of regular water, if you prefer it chilled or you can even add 3 to 4 ice-cubes. If you do not have either, you can refrigerate for half an hour to an hour, mix it well and then consume.

3. Healthy gut and Constipation cure juice – A juice with high levels of fibre.


½ papaya
1 apple
prunes 2-3
chia seeds
½ cup water

Soak prunes and chia seeds in water for 1-2 hours. Add the soaked prunes along with other ingredients to your juicer and drink this in the morning.

4. PMS:

Have this juice are high in fibre and can treat the symptoms of PMS. In addition, it can also promote eye health, boost immunity, improve skin quality and blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of developing cancer and also promote heart health.


2-3 kale leaves
1/2 carrot
1/2 beetroot
1 orange

Method: Add everything to your juicer, pour it into a glass and It is ready to consume.

5. Flat tummy & debloat juice -

5. Flat tummy & debloat juice –


1 celery
1/2 cucumber
1/2 lemon
1/2 inch fresh ginger

Method – Add all the ingredients to a juicer and consume immediately.

6. Sinus: Orange juice can help clear the sinuses and reduce congestion and infection as it has anti-inflammatory properties.


½ cup carrot
1 green apple
1 orange
1 inch ginger

Method: Into a juicer add all the ingredients and consume immediately.

7. Headache: Spinach has high magnesium content which is a nutrient that can help relieve headaches.


½ cup watermelon
¼ baby spinach
½ cup water
2 tbsp mint leaves
Squeeze in half a lime juice

Method: Wash the spinach leaves (or soak for half an hour in water, until all the dirt comes out) and blend it in mixer blender until it becomes a fine paste. Add in the watermelon, mint leaves, water and blend until it becomes a complete liquid. Strain it into a glass and add in the lemon juice if you wish to. Mix well and it is ready to consume.

8. Cold: Pineapple juice can help soothe the symptoms of cold as it has properties to soothe the throat and dissolve mucus. Pineapples also contain an anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain, which can fight infections and kill bacteria.


¾ cup chopped pineapple
¼ cup water
1 tsp grated ginger
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Sugar to taste

Method: Into a mixer blender, add in the pineapple pieces and blend until it becomes a fine paste. Then add in the water, grated ginger, salt, pepper and sugar (as per your taste requirements) and blend until it becomes completely liquid. Strain into a glass, mix well and it is ready to consume.


9. Inflammation: Cucumber juice is a natural hydrating juice and can flush out the toxins and cleanse the gut. It can also reduce digestive issues and promote proper digestion. It is rich in antioxidants and can boost bone and skin health and also help prevent the body from free radical damage.


½ a cucumber chopped
1/2 cup pineapple cubes
1/2 inch fresh turmeric
¼ cup water

Method: Wash and skin the cucumber and cut into pieces. Then, blend it until it along with pineapple using a blender. Then, add in the water and fresh turmeric and blend until it becomes a compete liquid. Pour into a glass, add in the lemon juice, stir well and it is ready to consume.

Tip: If you find any chunky bits, you can strain the mixture once blended and then add in the lemon juice and crushed mint leaves, before drinking.

Clear Skin Juice

10. Clear Skin Juice : A lot of people suffer from skin problems like rash or acne. Drinking of aloe vera juice can act as an anti-acne medicine. It contains vitamin C and vitamin E which are helpful to keep one’s skin healthy and radiant.


1 orange
1 carrot
1 inch fresh turmeric
1/2 tsp matcha powder
dash of pepper

Method: In a juicer add orange, carrot and turmeric. Whisk 1/2 tsp matcha powder in a bowl with 2 tbsp of hot water. Add the matcha paste to the juice and have it to fight acne. Pour the juice to a glass and add in a dash of pepper.

11. Sleep:

This juice contains magnesium and potassium, which are two ingredients which can help aid sleep as they relax the muscles and calm the body down. It also contains vitamin B, which is known to relieve stress levels, which can inhibit most people to fall asleep easily.


1/4 cup cucumber
few mint leaves
1 cup coconut water
squeeze half a lime juice

Blend cucumber mint with coconut water and squeeze in some lime. Drink this before bedtime for a restful sleep.

12. Detox – Here is a detox juice that are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that is delicious and super healthy


  • 1/2  beetroot
  • 1/2  carrot, chopped
  • 1/2 cucumber
  •  half a lime


Wash the veggies properly and remove the skin. Add beetroot, cucumber and carrot, to your juicer. Pour this into a glass and add in lime juice and stir well. It is then ready to consume. Or you can blend it with 1/2 cup of water.

Benefits of juicing –

Raw juices have antioxidant properties and natural medicinal properties. Raw juices are rich in alkaline substances. This means it has a pH level which is more than 7. So when the body has any health condition because of excess acid in the body, drinking raw juices can help balance the acid-alkaline levels (or the body’s pH levels), in the body.

They are easily absorbed by the blood stream and doesn’t put much pressure on the digestive system for digestion. They are rich in minerals like calcium, phosphorous etc, which can maintain bone and tissue health. They can help and promote cell regeneration. This is the body’s natural process where the body’s lost tissues or organs can get damaged due to injury or health issues and cell regeneration can promote regrowth of these cells over time.

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