10 Best beauty tips using aloe vera

Aloe vera is a popular herbal plant that is used in herbal medicine for its amazing benefits. Pure Aloe Vera is known for its healing and soothing properties for your skin and hair. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties, contains vitamins and minerals that help to ease eczema and psoriasis flare-ups keeping your skin hydrated, rejuvenated and healthy. Along with amazing skin benefits, aloe vera has a lot of hair care benefits too, it helps to moisturize and helps maintain healthy and shiny hair.

10 Best beauty tips using aloe vera

1. Aloe vera Sunburn Remedy: Fill an ice cube tray with aloe gel and freeze it to make some beauty cubes. These aloe beauty cubes are amazing to heal and soothe skin after too much bug bites, sunburns, poison ivy, and even psoriasis. Aloe provides extra relief from pain, redness, inflammation or itching.

2. Aloe Dandruff remedy: Get rid of dry, itchy and dandruff by mixing a tbsp of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar with 2 tbsp of pure aloe vera gel and use it as a dandruff mask. Apply the aloe vera mask to the roots of your hair and massage it in for few mins, let it sit for 15-20 mins and rinse it off.

3. Aloe vera to clear acne. Apply pure gel on your skin overnight to clear acne. ALOE VERA SLEEPING MASK FOR CLEAR SKIN

4. Razor burn: Aloe Vera is an excellent remedy to get rid of bikini bumps and razor burns. The cooling and soothing properties of aloe vera help soothe the burn instantly. You can apply the aloe gel on the affected area and also works as a natural aftershave gel.

5. Tame frizzy Hair: After hair wash, smooth a small amount of aloe vera gel on damp hair to tame frizzy hair and add an instant shine and softness to your hair.

6. Aloe vera for Stretch Marks: The healing and soothing properties of aloe vera are effective in healing and getting rid of stretch marks naturally.  It will help in repairing the skin that helps in the reduction of stretch marks. Apply pure aloe vera gel and massage it daily over the affected skin before going to bed to heal the skin naturally. READ MORE – TOP 10 2 INGREDIENTS FACE MASK FOR CLEAR, HEALTHY SKIN

7. For dry, cracked feet: Try this ultimate beauty ingredient into a foot mask to make dry, cracked feet baby soft. Mix together 1/4 cup aloe vera gel with 1 tbsp of castor oil and add in few drops of peppermint oil. Rub all over your feet and heels and then cover it with thick socks and leave it on overnight.

8. Aloe vera Wrinkles Treatment: The aloe vera plant contains malic acid that helps reduce fine lines by improving the elasticity of your skin and keep your skin hydrated and moisturized for healthy skin.

9. Aloe Vera Dark Circle Cure: Aloe Vera helps to condition and lock in moisture into the skin to help to reduce puffiness and treat dark circles naturally. Mix 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel with 2 tbsp of almond oil and store it in a refrigerator in a small jar. Before bed, apply the natural under eye-soothing gel under the eyes and massage it lightly under the eye area and leave it on overnight.

10. Aloe Vera Hair growth:  One of the most effective hair growth tips is to use Aloe Vera. Massage Aloe Vera into your scalp. Leave it on for an hour and then rinse with warm water for growing amazing long tresses.  Make this aloe vera oil to grow faster and thicker hair and stop hair fall naturally. – HOW TO MAKE ALOE VERA OIL